Chapter 16- home sick days

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We only had a week left of the tour and I missed the university, I missed Caroline, and I missed a familiar environment. We have been constantly on the move ever since we started. I highly doubt I will be able to go on the actual tour I’m such a wimp. Liam and I had continued to talk but he knows my boundaries. I defiantly need more time to think about us as more than friends. I just had to hold him off until next week when he would leave for America and I would stay here. I wanted to see the world with them but I needed to get a college diploma to secure a safe future for myself. I had discussed the whole diploma thing with Liam trying to make him see that I needed this however, he insisted that he would help me with money when I needed it. Too bad I want to make my own money and not have to rely on anyone. Currently I sat on a big leather couch next to Sarah and Bre while we waited to get our make-up done. Since we have learned all of the dances we need to know we didn’t have to practice before every show but we did have to stretch so we could do all the stunts in the dances. I nearly tore a muscle in my thigh last week because I hadn’t properly stretched before attempting a high kick. I sipped on a water bottle while they chatted with each other. I had been a bit depressed lately due to the whole homesick stuff going on. Three people walked out of the make-up room and we stood walking in to find the room bustling with people covered in make-up you’d think one of the powder boxes had exploded. I found a chair and sat down while the make-up artist got the make-up ready. I had heard that all the staff are basically auditioning for the big tour since their upcoming tour is a bit different then the last few. She powdered my face heavily and started with the dark eyeliner and purple eye shadow.  After she finished I thanked her and slowly made my way out of the crowded room. I saw Lindsey cuddling with Stark and smiled at her, they are a cute couple. I found my way to the dressing rooms and changed into the outfit for the night. The dress was a dark purple color, with shiny fabric, a one shoulder strap and crystal beads in the back for support, the dress came down just below my knees and poofed out after my hips. I slid on the tall heels that had straps going all around my foot so they wouldn’t slide off while I was dancing. Between the dark purple shiny dress and the black heels I looked pretty good. I thought admiring myself in the mirror before walking out and to the stage for warm ups. The band had been doing warm-ups for two hours now. I walked down the dark hallways hearing the rain faintly beat on the metal roof. A bad thunder storm was headed are way but it wasn’t severe enough to cancel the show. I walked out onto the stage the lights making me blink fervently as soon as they hit my contacts. I looked around trying to decide where to go Liam was facing the other way waiting for his solo to come so I walked over to the dancers before he could see me sitting down by a girl I had become familiar with but had forgotten her name. We helped each other stretch while humming along to the boys singing.


I had to keep a straight face during the serious songs but the audience always made me smile by the things they screamed at the boys and their posters they flung around insanely.  Live while we’re young was approaching quickly and I wasn’t looking forward to the stunts in that song. It’s usually the last song so they made the dance number extravagant.  Niall started talking and did their twitter question stuff while we set up getting the trampolines out and putting them in their places. I stood on one of the blocks next to a trampoline. The way they had it set up is there are two big black blocks on either side of each trampoline. A boy stands on the trampoline since heels and trampolines don’t mix and a girl stands on one of the blocks. Not all the dancers are on trampolines of course the ones who aren’t doing trampolines are at the front of the stage doing complicated floor routines with different levels and everything. I was glad I got put with trampolines because the floor people have to get up and get down so many times it looks painful. Niall started coming to an end with his stuff and I sucked in a breath looking over at Stark who was lost in his thoughts bouncing slightly on the trampoline. The music started and I situated myself into the correct pose.  They started singing and I started the dance smiling for the crowd even though they probably weren’t watching me.  Stark leaned over and put his arms out as if he was a plane I really hated this part we have to roll across them and onto the other block but the trampoline is lower than the blocks are so you have to get your momentum right or else you’ll fail miserably and end up on one of those ‘fail contemplation’ videos on YouTube. I rolled across his back swiftly our arms lining up for an instant before I rolled onto the next block. Next I have to grab his hands, he lifts me up and I do a handstand. It’s awful so many muscles are used it’s terrible and very dangerous what if I fell on him? We pulled it off successfully now for the tricky part. He has to lower me somehow without his arms completely giving out. Since Stark is strong and I am familiar with swing dancing I just swing under his legs, lose my momentum then he pulls me back through and I go in front of the trampoline. The que came and he moved his arms only slightly forward and I felt my body swing through the air, I have to remember to pull my legs in or else I’m going to break them on the metal rim of the trampoline. I went through his legs and stopped then he pulled me back up spinning me just for grins then we got down from the trampoline. I rolled across his back once more then we joined in with floor dancers’ routine. I was out of breath and starting to get cramps in my side. We danced with our partners a little then they would dip us and that would be the end if only I could make it past the dancing with our partner’s part. I sucked the air through my nose and breathed it out heavily through my mouth trying to diminish the bubble forming in my side. He pulled me roughly into the dip and I smiled at the crowd before they exploded with clapping and screams. We stayed like that until the clapping/screaming reached its deafening peak and started to decrease its noise then Stark pulled me up and we walked back stage quickly. I rubbed my side mournfully hating myself for not getting my breathing under control earlier. We walked past the green room and straight to the buses, no after party tonight so we get to go straight for the hotel. Un-like us one direction has to wait around for traffic to die down ha-ha I thought happily as I kicked my heels off. The tour buses were already at the hotel our bags unloaded and everything. So we got into big vans ten in each. Stark and I had been next to each other on the stage so we ended up in the same van. I was in the process of begging him to carry me into the hotel so I didn’t have to put on the evil heels again when Lindsey switched seats next to the person on Stark’s left

“Hi!” she grinned at us “what are you guys talking about?” she asked, I liked Lindsey so don’t get the wrong idea she could be a bit possessive at times but overall she is a sweetie

“She wants me to carry her into the hotel so she doesn’t have to put her shoes on” Stark explained rolling his eyes at me I grinned at her

“Well she does have a point these heels are dreadful” Lindsey laughed looking down at her heels

“I could distract you” Stark smirked trying to be sexy as they got closer to each other

I could tell a heated make out session was in progress and groaned

“UHG couples!!” I whined leaning away from them

Stark muttered something about shutting up but continued to kiss Lindsey, bleh. I made gagging faces and noises to annoy them and get some laughs from the people around. We stopped outside the hotel and waited for the first van to unload. They had a little walk way boarded off for us well technically it was for one direction but they weren’t here yet so it was for us. The fans waited eagerly on the other side of the barrier some already screaming at us and clutching umbrellas. The rain had stopped at the moment but it was sure to kick in soon. I put in a last attempt for Stark to carry me while the van moved up he sighed and agreed which got me grinning because I didn’t have to put on those awful heels again. I’m sure there would be some press hidden in the crowd but I doubt they would be interested in the dancers. Stark scooted out of the van and crouched down a bit for me to crawl onto his back. I made a distressed face as I jumped onto his back from the van with my evil heels in my hand we walked to the door, well he walked I was carried. He carried me all the way to the elevator but put me down on the cool tile another fancy hotel I thought looking at the golden colored railing in the elevator and fancy lobby. No jungle this time it was more of a futuristic hotel with sleek shades of grey, pale blues and greens. I walked with Kara and Bre to our room Sarah and Abigail were already there I think. Kara slid the key through the door and we entered the big hotel room. I knew Liam would want to hang out since we had some free time so I just sat there playing with the hotel stuff waiting for him.

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