Ch 1: Hitting The Road

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"We were supposed to leave by nine, guys! It's ten-thirty!" Lloyd yelled while hopping around, trying to stuff his left foot into his sneaker.

Kai was currently at the mirror in his room, fixing his hair. "We would've been on the road an hour ago if Cole hadn't started making cookies at the last minute. Something he was supposed to do yesterday!"

"I forgot, okay!" came a yell from the kitchen, undoubtedly Cole's.

Just then, Jay dashed out of his room holding a pair of blue socks, panic evident on his face. "Why is Cole making the cookies?!"

Zane looked up from the small table on which were laid several sandwiches and dry cake slices which the nindroid was sorting into disposable lunchboxes with the initials of each of the team's members. "I believe it's because Cole has the most time on his hands as he has completed his packing," Zane said, putting a sandwich in the box marked with a green "L".

Jay scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"That isn't packing, Zane. He just throws stuff into his duffel bag. Besides, you know I don't trust Cole with cooking and stuff." Here, Jay raised his voice, making sure it was heard by Kai who had stepped out of his room. "Last time he almost poisoned us with his cookies because some idiot put washing powder into the baking soda jar!"

The morning had found the monastery in a complete uproar with everyone scurrying about and yelling at each other. Lloyd had suggested that they go on a road trip seeing that they had only explored Ninjago when they were on the case of some crackhead villain.

The Green Ninja thought it to be a good family-bonding activity where they could enjoy themselves without being chased by a gang of thugs, ghosts, snakes or angry mobs. He was standing in the middle of the hall, shouting at anyone who passed. He had wanted this to be a normal road trip and they were already jinxing it by being late.

Nya hopped out of her room, wearing a navy blue tee-shirt with "Aqua" written on the front in light blue sequined lettering and tight, dark blue jeans. She also sported sunglasses with little dolphins on the corner of the rims and lightning bolt shaped earrings.

"Alright people! Let's do this!" she exclaimed cheerfully. She was definitely in the mood for a little break from being a ninja. She hummed a tune as she zipped open her duffel bag and looked inside to make sure she had packed everything she needed. "Toothbrush, toothpaste, towels, shampoo, a bar of soap, lip gloss, hairbrush, hairdryer, clothes; perfect!"

Jay walked over and glanced at her bag, scratching his auburn hair.
"Uh, Nya? We're going on a road trip. Not taking a bath."

Nya rolled her black eyes which the Master of Lightning couldn't see because of her sunglasses. She zipped up her bag and stared at him. "Just because I live with boys doesn't mean I have to stink like them."

Jay's arm quickly shot up as he sniffed under his armpit. He couldn't smell anything because he had just taken a shower but frowned at Nya all the same. "We don't stink that much."

Nya giggled. "I was kidding, Zaptrap. Now, zip it and take my bag outside." She threw her duffel bag at Jay. "Thanks, you're a doll!"

She was about to kiss Jay on the cheek when Kai pushed them away and turned towards Nya. He snatched her sunglasses off of her face and held them up in the air so that his sister couldn't reach it. "Who said you're coming along?"

Nya looked at Kai disbelievingly.
"Uh, my being a part of your team says."

Kai looked down the hall at Lloyd who was screaming at Zane that no hell was going to break loose if the sandwiches touched the cake slices and that there was no need to protect them from one another with plastic shrink wraps.

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