Ch 3: Infant Sea Predator Karaoke

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The headcanon that Nya is an expert at yeeting people out the window belongs to chocoqueen29 . Thanks to her! Go follow her and check out her quarantine book if you're in the mood for a laugh.


"I'm booooooorrrrrred!"

"Jay, you've been saying that for the past twenty minutes."

"Because I'm booooooorrrrrred!"

"Never mind."

The Master of Lightning groaned as he tried to make himself comfortable in the backseat, shoving all the luggage onto Lloyd. Personally, he wished they had never remembered that their bags were back at the monastery; there would've been so much more space.

But they did indeed go back to retrieve their stuff (and Jay's shoes) and now everyone had their necessities packed – except for (again) Jay's toothbrush. They were in no mood to return home once again. It was a miracle the blonde seated next to him didn't strangle the blue ninja.

Jay would be lying if he said he hadn't been excited for this vacation. But now all that excitement deflated like a balloon when he realized that road trips . . . . were super boring. He couldn't go a day without smashing the buttons of his videogame controller or bashing in the skulls of enemies. Right now he could do none.

"Why didn't we use the Bounty for the road trip? He asked, tapping Lloyd on the shoulder.

"Because the Bounty flies, Jay," Lloyd replied, without looking at him. "And this is a road trip; not a sky trip."

"Jay's right, Greenbean," Cole chimed in, trying to overtake a black Mercedes Benz speeding in front of them. "The Bounty has so much more leg room."

"Because, Cole," Lloyd began hotly, "for once I want to go on a normal trip in a normal car despite my having not-normal travel companions."

"Okay . . ." Cole said slowly, putting on the blinker to indicate his turn to the left.

"My leg is asleep," Jay muttered, regardless of the conversation. He repeatedly bumped his head on the back of Zane's seat compelling the nindroid to threat him that if he didn't stop he would recline his seat backwards to take away the little leg room that he already had.

"I'm gonna die of boredom!" Jay hollered causing everyone to wince.

The Master of Ice reached down into the bag between his legs and fished out the disposable lunchbox marked with a blue "J". "I've recently discovered that boredom is the main cause for hunger and vice versa," he informed as he passed the box to Jay. "Which means," he continued, "that you're not bored –  you're hungry."

Jay grumbled as he peeled off the shrink wrap from his sandwich and took a bite. However, as soon as the morsel's flavour hit his taste buds, he forgot all about his "boredom-disguised-as-hunger". It was that good.

"Ohhh! I'm in sandwich heaven," he mumbled happily, his mouth full. "This is awesome, Zane. Gold star!"

Lloyd snickered before saying, "Thank goodness Cole didn't make them. That would've been sandwich hell."

Everyone agreed as Cole let out an offended "hey!". Sure, he didn't mind when his friends would criticize his cooking but sometimes they pushed too far. Jay gulped down the last bite of his sandwich and closed the box before handing it back to Zane. "Still super bored."

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