Chapter 1- Scared Malfoy?

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A/N This takes place after the war, Voldemort was defeated. I kept some people alive that I couldn’t deal with being dead: Snape, Remus, Sirius, and Fred. Onto the story.

The war had taken place about 4 months previously and Harry had spent his summer at Grimwald place. He and Sirius had spent the entire summer catching up and Remus had been coming over weekly if not daily to spend time with Harry and so Harry could be with Teddy. Teddy was about a year old now and Harry was 18 but he was going back to Hogwarts for 8th year to finish what had started last year. McGonnagal was the headmistress at Hogwarts and she was too busy with that to continue teaching Transfiguration, therefore Remus had taken over her position at Hogwarts. Today was the 31st of August and Harry would be getting on the Hogwarts express to the school with his friends for the last time. It was a bittersweet feeling for Harry because Hogwarts had always been his home. But now after three incredible months with Sirius, he started feeling at home when he was at Grimwald place. He wanted to go back to Hogwarts so he could see his friends and Professors one last time. But Harry didn’t want to have to say goodbye to Sirius, although he promised that he would write as much as he could and so would Sirius. As he was packing all of his things for Hogwarts he went down the winding staircase to go see Sirius. As he got closer to the kitchen he felt some sort of magic in the air around him. He took out his wand and tried to disable to spells, being slightly successful. He heard something coming from the kitchen so he slowly pushed the door open trying not to make a sound. As soon as he walked through the door he saw something that shocked him enough to drop his wand on the floor alerting the two other people in the room that he was there. They turned around, shocked to see Harry standing there. All three people in the kitchen’s jaws practically hit the floor. Harry walked into the room to see Remus and Sirius wrapped in a passionate kiss. 

“Harry, We can explain!” said a breathless Remus Lupin.

“No” Harry whispered before racing off to his room and jumping in the shower to think about what he had just seen. Harry stepped out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a pair of navy blue joggers hanging lowly on his hips. Sitting on his bed was his godfather and his supposed sex partner. 

“Harry-” Remus started before being interrupted by an angry voice.

“Why wouldn’t you guys tell me, you are supposed to be like my family, Sirius I have never kept a secret from you and this is huge!” Harry screamed “I love you both like family and I don't care if you guys are fucking each other behind my back but I deserve to know this and not find out by walking on you guys” Harry finished his face now red like the Weasleys hair.

“Harry, I’m sorry we didn’t tell you earlier we were scared at how you would react,” Sirius said his eyes never leaving the tight grasp he has on his partner’s hand.

“I love you guys, I think you are perfect for each other but, Sirius we are supposed to tell each other everything” Harry said in a much calmer tone.

“I’m sorry Harry” Sirius said now looking at the boy’s emerald eyes.

“It's okay,” Harry said pausing for a moment “I guess I have two dads now,” He said before the two men wrapped him in a tight hug. It was at this moment that Harry felt like he was part of a family and he had never been happier. 

Harry had barely gotten any sleep last night he was so happy that he was going to be able to see Ron and Hermionie again. He stepped onto the Hogwarts express with Remus as they waved goodbye to Sirius. Remus walked to the from of the train to meet the other teachers that were coming on September 1st instead of a week before to meet with the other teachers. Herry walked up and down the aisle looking for Ron and Hermione but he never found them. Confused he just decided to find another compartment on the train. Every single one was full except for the one at the very end of the train. He entered not taking notice of the three other people in the compartment and sat down on the empty seat. He looked up and was three pair of silver eyes staring up at him, it just so happened that he sat in the compartment where Pansy Parkinson, Blase Zabini, and Draco Malfoy were sitting. Harry looked into the coldest eyes with his head tilted slightly as he said,


“Potter” a cold voice replied, “What are you doing in our compartment?” The voice spoke again.

“Everywhere else was full” Harry said going back to reading his Potions book.

“It's only an hour ride Draco, we will be fine” Pansy said in a soothing voice

“Whatever” Malfoy said. After about 15 minutes Harry looked up from his book again catching the eyes of the blonde-haired boy, this time not looking away. 15 minutes had passed again and neither an of the broke eye contact with the other and not planning on it anytime soon. Soon after Draco stood up in the compartment and Harry followed his actions. The next thing Draco did shocked everyone in that train compartment. He walked up to Harry and planted a loving kiss on Harry’s cheek and then ran out of the compartment to the bathroom. The train pulled to a stop and no one has seen Draco since he ran out. Harry walked to get off the train still a bit shook at what had happened. As he stepped off the train he looked around for some familiar faces and saw Hagrid standing next to Remus, he ran over and gave them both a big hug. After he released them he saw a flash of white hair run past so he said goodbye to Hagrid and Moony he bolted after what he thought was Malfoy. As he started to catch up the figure it started slowing down probably out of breath. As it stopped Ran up to the figure and grabbed its hand. Draco spun around to catch Harry’s breathtaking emerald eyes staring at him. 

“What do you want Pott-” Draco stuttered but before he could finish he was caught in a kiss from The Chosen One that was like nothing he had ever experienced. When they pulled apart both of their faces were bright with blush and all that was running through their heads was that they both had just kissed the boy they had been in love with since they were 11 years old. 

“Potter that was…” Draco started.

“Wonderful” Harry finished for him. 

“You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that with you” Draco said just above a whisper.

“We can do better” Harry smiled 

“What?” Draco said just before harry pushed his lips against Draco’s while pushing him up against a tree just outside of the forbidden forest. Their lips moved in sync as Harry licked Draco’s bottom lip which forced him to open his mouth just enough for harry to slip his tongue into the blonde’s mouth. As their tongues dances in their mouths, Harry won that battle for dominance and let out a breathy moan as they split apart. Draco gave harry a bright smile as he slowly spoke.

“Meet me in the room of requirement during dinner” Draco said.

“Malfoy we have the sorting ceremony and the feast” Harry whispered.

All that was running through Malfoys head was that he didn’t want his Malfoy image to change and he didn’t want to look vulnerable to the golden boy. He was scared about what people might think and he had just broken up with Astoria, much to his fathers disapproval. They had broken up because Malfoy knew he was gay and that it was never going to work out between him and Astoria. Malfoy wasn’t thinking rationally so he shouted at Harry.

“Oh thank god Potter! I would never like you and your stupid scar. Harry Potter, the saviour of the wizarding world, the chosen one, scarhead, golden boy, The boy who lived twice, at the hands of a death eater. I will never love you and no one ever will!” Draco finished his face red and his heartbroken He couldn’t believe that he just yelled that at the raven-haired boy in front of him. Before Harry could respond Draco was running away faster than he ever thought he could. 

Harry felt broken, the only thing he had was two kisses from him. He loved Draco, he loved every petty, pale part of him. As a tear rolled down Harry’s cheek he looked up at the 1st years filing into the great hall and thought that he should be getting to dinner to try and find his friends, but as he made his way up to the castle he thought that if that was how Draco felt about him that it was time to move on. As he made his way to the Gryffindor table he looked up to see Dean standing against the wall. He knew Draco was watching and then he just walked up to the brown boy and planted a short and sweet kiss on his lips, luckily no one had seen except for Malfoy and that was all he needed. Dean blushed and took his seat at the table as did Harry. With that 8th year began.

Wow 1650 words!
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