Part 2 °His Blindness Will Have A Prize°

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(This Pic does not belong to me!)

Natsuki's (Your) Pov:

The next day I went with Ren to the playground to discover some new places and finding a new hiding spot, where we can play and try out our quirks.

As we arived I smiled joyfull at my little sister.

,,This place is so cool!
I can't wait to make more friends!"

I said excited and when Ren was about to say something, we heard a boy screaming.

,,K-Kacchan please wait!"

He yelled and we heard an explosion coming from the other side.

We followed the voices and when we saw what was happening, I gasped in shock.

A blond haired boy was hurting a green haired one with his quirk.

He made small explosions with what he hurted the little green haired one badly.

We could already see his burn marks over his face, neck and arms.

I narrowed my eyes and started walking towards them angrily.

,,Natsuki no wait-!"

My sister yelled after me but I didn't listen.

Instead I continued walking towards them and befor the blond boy could attack the green one again, I quickly jumped in front of him and stood in front of him protectively.

,,Thats enough, leave him alone!"

I yelled angrily and the blond one started laughing at me.

,,Now look who is protecting the quirkless loser!
A dumb girl!
Ha, ha, oh Deku, I can't really tell if you are lucky or just the weakest piece of shit in this whole world!"

He said grinning at us evily till I started growling and showing him my teeth.

Was this boy really quirkless?

And if yes, why was he bullying him?

Just because someone hasn't got a quirk this doesn't make people hurt someone, right?

This would be to cruel.

She thought and tried to sound confident enough in front of the blond haired bully.

,,Hush your mouth or...I-I will punch you!
Are you really that cruel to hurt someone just because he hasn't got a quirk yet?!
This isn't fair!
Heros wouldn't do such a things like this!"

I said and the boy behind me grabed my arm and started pulling me backwards.

He looked at me with frightened eyes and shook his head to show me, that I probably should stop talking now.

,,Ha, ha, ha!
But heros like me are doing things like this!
We clear away the rubbish and thats exactly what he is!
A useless piece of rubbish!"

He yelled and the boy behind me started sobbing.

Tears were running down his cheeks and I looked at him worried.

I had an idea.

I smiled at him and whispered, when I start running he should run away and hide from the bullys.

He nodded nervously and I closed my eyes for a second smiling.

I turned my head back where the blond haired boy was standing with his friends, smirking at us.

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