Part 6°Ren's Lament °

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Natsuki's (Your) Pov:

I let go of Izuku and smiled at him.

His face was flushing as red as mine and I couldn't help to let out a soft giggle.

Izuku looked at the ground embarrassed and I continued smiling, not paying any attention to the most important thing in my life.

Ren's Pov:

I was looking at my sister in disappointment.

How is that that she already got her quirk and such a beautiful one too?!

This wasn't fair!

It didn't seemed fair in my eyes!

But...she was my sister...

I should be proud of her...

But it was so hard!


No matter how hard it is...

I will try my best and support her through fire and ice!

Even if I will maybe end like Izuku...

I sighed and continued staring at them, till I noticed both of them were blushing.

I sighed again and decided to go in the house.

I didn't wanted to continue watching them all day, it would only make things worse...

I walked up stairs and opened the door for my room, what was covered in cold, dark colours from light blue to pitch black.

For my age, I were acting pretty like a e-girl, and most of the people didn't seem to like it.

They were looking at me like on a villain, I know, because I noticed their stares at villains and heros.

I wasn't TOO young to know their opinions and expectations about them.

And their cheap excuses could land in the trashcan for me!

What type of hero would exclude someone else, just because it's strange and new?!

Just like this f*cked up *sshole Katsuki?!

A none type hero!

Heros were in my eyes dead!

They weren't heros!

In this world it's only one thing important...!

The strongest lives and the weak one dies!

The stupid excuses that 'love was the strongest feeling in the world' was simply a lie for the weaks to make them hope!

Just to make them into slaves of suffer!

I clenched my fists and shut the door behind me.

I let myself fall on the bed and let out a tired sigh.

Is Dad just like all of them?

Is he like Katsuki and the rest of the people who he cares of?

Would he love me if I don't get a quirk....?

I turned to the side and let my eyes shut slowly, letting a small and cold teardrop rolling down my cheek.

I hate heros...

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