Part 5 °Where Is Light, There Is Darkness°

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Natsuki's (Your) Pov:

As we finished ateing the Onigiri, we went inside our room and played some games.

Izuku told me that he can't have a quirk, but he will try to be a good hero without any abilitys.

I smiled at him, I couldn't adore much more his confidence.

Trying to be a hero without a quirk is a very brave and hard work, even for my parents were this a hard job.

I hugged him and he went tomato red.

,,Don't worry, I'm sure you will be a very good hero!
With or without a quirk!"

He chuckled embarrassed and hugged me back.

,,Thank you Natsu."

I smiled and let go of him.

,,No problem, wanna search for squirrels?
We have plenty of them in the garden!"

,,Sounds cool to me!
Lets go!"

We ran outside and searched for the squirrels.

We always searched and played with them as we arived here, it was pretty cool that squirrels lived in our garden, but also a pain to my parents.

But for us, they never tried to get rid of them.

,,Here Izuku look!
This is my squirrel teardrop and this is nightflake, who belongs to Ren!"

I said smiling and showed him our squirrels.

Teardrop got her name from the teardrop formed spot on her forehead and nightflake for her pitch-black-fluffy fur.

Izuku giggled and stroke them.

,,They are so cute!"

He said and I giggled.

,,Of course they are!"

I said and let the squirrels go, running back up to their tree.

I watched them climb away and turned myself to Izuku, when I felt him touching my shoulder with his finger.

,,Yes? "

I asked.

,,Did-Did you mean it?"


,,That we are friends?"

He asked and I smiled.

,,Of course I meant it silly!
And I also promised that I never leave you alone!
I will always stay by your side, no matter what!
There is no way to end our friendship!
And I never break a promise!"

I showed him my little finger and gave him a soft trustful smile.

,,I promise!"

He smiled and crossed his little fingers with mine.


He said and hugged me happily.

I hugged him back and I didn't even noticed that my hair started glowing.

(Like from Rapunzel or Yvaine from the movie stardust, but she looks rather like Yvaine from stardust now.
Just saying.)

(Yes like that! By the way this pic

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(Yes like that! By the way this pic. does not belong to me! It's from the movie!)

I could feel my cheeks heat up again and Izuku let go of me.

He looked at me shocked and I giggled in confusion.


I asked him and he pointed at my head.

,,Your-Your hair is glowing!"

He said and I looked at my hair.

My hair were glowing bright yellow, almost white and I smiled in awee.

,,Oh my!
My quirk!"

I laughed happily till I noticed that even happier I got, the brighter my hair glowed.

Izuku cheered and jumped in excitement and happiness, till my sister came back with mother and she also begann to cheer.

,,Oh my...Natsuki!"

She yelled and hugged me.

,,My little girl is growing up so fast!"

My mother cried with joy and Izuku hugged me again.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the warm and comfort what my mother and Izuku gave me.

But I didn't even noticed that my little sister Ren was still behind us alone, watching me how I got all the attention and love, and she got nothing but lonelyness and cold, because she hasn't got her quirk yet.

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