Part 7 °Trouble°

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Natsuki's Pov:

I looked behind me to see if my sister was still there but for my suprise, she wasn't.

I frowned worried and ran towards the door to our house.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!
How could I forget about her!

I thought and opened her room door frantically.

She turned her head towards me with her headphones in her ears, listening to some music and she put a fake smile on her lips.

,,Hey Natsuki."

She said and I walked towards her.

,,I saw you and Izuku hugging so I didn't wanted to interrupt and came back here.
Hope you don't mind."

She said if everything was okay, but I knew it wasn't.

I saw her standing there, I know she is disappointed!

She is my twin for gods sake!

She knows that I feel what she feels then why is she lying?!

I made an angry face and Ren frowned.

,,Did I do something wro-"

I cut her off before she could continue and hugged her thightly.

,,Baka, do you really think I don't know if you saw us or if you are sad?!!!
I'm your sister you idiot!!!
So don't you dare to lie to me!"

I shouted crying, still hugging her and she begann to strok my back gently but emotionless.

She sighed and begann to speak.

,,No big deal, it's okay.
I can wait, I'm very happy that you finally got your qurik before Dad could come home like he wished.
And with me he will be maybe disappointed, like always.
Its okay, I'm used to it."

She let go of me and shrugged.

,,Used to you mean?"

I asked her sadly and in that moment Izuku ran in and looked at us worried.

,,Is everything a-alright here?"

He asked and I was about to tell him, when Ren gave me a sign to shut up.

I sighed and shook my head.

,,Nothing, I was just worried that Ren disappeared.
But now it's everything alright."

I said, trying to sound released enough.

Izuku nodded.

,,I wanted to tell you that your mother invited me to sleep here one night.
I hope thats okay..."

He said and we nodded together.

,,We would love you to stay here the night."

Ren said and I was looking at her shocked.

Ren's Pov:

I said and saw my sisters eyes widen in shock.

Yes, Izuku was a nice boy and I really liked him.

But I didn't wanted Natsuki clenching on my nerves because of this 'little accident' with our quirk problems.

It was enough problem for me that I always thought to long on my wrongs and never on my positive sides.

I just shrugged looking up at her and she was still looking at me frowning.

,,Th-Thank you Ren-chan. "

He said and I nodded again.

,,No problem."

,,W-Well, I'm going down to talk to your mother.
See you later."

He said and gently shut the door.

I turned back to face my sister she was still looking at me with her puppy-dog eyes worried.

I sighed and put my hands on her shoulders.

,,It's good Natsu, he is our friend.
And also you like him a lot soo, I don't think you would mind his company for a day."

I grinned and her face begann to flush red.

I knew it, she likes him!

My grinn begann to grew and her red face flushed even more.

,,Com on, your Izuku is surely waiting for us."

I said and pulled her behind me.

At most she will forget about or little discussion about 'my till now, quirkless life' and will only have eyes on him.

Izuku's Pov:

I knew that they were talking about that Natsuki got her quirk and Ren still not.

I mean, it was obvious.

I won't say anything, but if I can help, I will!

After a few hours we went to bed.

We were sleeping in the living room, because Natsuki's and Ren's mother wanted to.

She was a lovely lady and I really liked here with them.

But instead of sleeping, we were watching movies.

,,Do you do this often?"

I asked them and they both nodded smiling.


They asnwered together and I chuckled.

,,Hey, maybe we can grab some cookies from the kitchen and eat them, while watching the movie!"

Ren grinned and Natsuki smiled evily.

,,Oh yes, we definitly should!"

She said and I begann to smile and chuckle nervously.

,,He, he, but what's if your mother will catch us?"

,,She won't, now com on!"

Natsuki said and grabbed my hand, pulling me outside the room to sneak into the kitchen, grabbing some cookies.

Before we could sneak into the living room back, we heard Mrs. Hikari walking towards us from the dinning room, talking to someone trough her phone.

(Yeah, their kitchen has some sort of a dinning area too. XD )

Quickly we hid behind the door and listened to the conversation.

,,So tomorow?
Oh yes, Natsuki and Ren will be very happy to see him again!
I didn't knew that they met your son at the playground Mrs. Bakugou.
Hmm strange, my daughters usually always tell me everything...
No matter, I'm sure they will be happy to see Katsuki again!
Especially Natsuki.
Oh he does?
How cute, maybe there is something what we don't know.
How cute!
Of course, then tomorow 13p.m?
Yes, good night."

Their mother said and hung up.

,,Ah young love, so cute, but who will Natsuki chose?
Hm, we will see it tomorow then."

She said and walked away.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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