Part 4°Natsuki And Izuku?°

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Natsuki's (Your) Pov:

We came into the kitchen where my mother was cooking some Onigiri.

I knocked on the door frame and made a forced smile.

,,Knock, knock."

I said obviously fake smiling and tried to make my best to hide the pain, what the blond boy, Katsuki caused me.

My mother turned around smiling.

,,Hello sun-what on earth happened to you?!"

She asked me shocked and run towards me to check on my wounds.

,,It's nothing Mum, really."

I said trying to smile, but I failed when she touched the big burn mark on my neck.

I flinched and whimpered a bit from the pain.

She gasped in a worried tune and shared stares between Izuku and Ren.

,,What happened?!"

She asked and Ren wanted to tell her what happened with the blond, crimson eyed boy in the playground, but Izuku spoke up.

,,A friend of mine was about to attack me with his quirk, but Natsuki saved me.
I'm sorry ma'am."

He explained nervously, scared of my mothers reaction but she simply smiled and stroke Izuku's head.


She said and made her way to bring some ice and alc..

Izuku's eyes widened.

But I-I...aren't you upset with me Mrs.?!
Your daughter sacrificed herself for me?!
And thats all my fault, then why aren't you upset Mrs.?!"

Izuku asked shocked and my mother chuckled, bringing the stuff what might help against my burns and wounds to heal.

,,My Natsuki and Ren were always the most helpful, brave, strong and caring girls in the whole entire world!
They aren't scared to sacrifice themselfs for a friend, and besides..."

She said, taking a look on Izuku's burn marks.

,,Your 'friend' seem to burn you alot!
No wonder that my girls noticed it and helped you by let them burn by this kid!
You need to keep a distance away from your friend young man!"

My mother playfully warned and Izuku's cheeks got red.

He is so cute!

I thought and felt my own cheeks getting red.

My mother seemed to notice it and grinned.

,,And also I'm very proud of them!
I want them to become great heros, and holding them back from danger and their feelings would stop them from their future!
In my opinion parents should learn trust more in their children and then they will feel themselfs better and it's also good for the whole family!
So no worrys, I'm not angry at you!
I trust Natsuki And Ren because I know that they know their limits as 8 years olds.
But I would like to know your name now young man!"

My mother giggled and Izuku got red again.

,,Izuku Midoriya!"

He asnwered quickly again, like he were in some sort of military and my mother chuckled again.

,,Well aren't you just cute, nice to meet you Izuku.
My name is Hana Hikari, but you can call me shortly Hana."

She smiled and Izuku seemed more open now to her.

,,It's very nice to meet you too Mrs. Hik-I mean Hana!"

He said and we all laughed.

My face heat up again and put a hand in front of my mouth, to hide somehow my stubid giggling form.

My mother noticed me again and smirked.

,,Well good, enough talking!
I'll need to heal your wounds before we eat some Onigiri, sounds like a plan?"

She asked and we all nodded.

My mother nodded back and started cleaning my wounds.

Firstly, I needed to take a quick bath.

Without anybody seeing me naked of course.

I washed myself good down till I felt, that there was no dirt in my wounds anymore.

After I got dressed, Mum started to put some alc. on my wounds to make them clean from any other dirt or sort of bacteria.

I whimpered and hissed in pain, put it was worth it.

My wounds slowly started to disappear from my mothers qurik and there were only the burn marks left.

She put some ice on them and they also started, slowly but sure, to disappear from my body.

Izuku looked at my mother in awee and asked how she did it.

She smiled and told him that that was her quirk.

She could have actually used it without any alc., ice or water, but in a fight against a villain she lost half of her abilitys.

So her powers weren't as good as back then anymore.

She needed some stuff to support her powers of healing to heal quickly.

Izuku nodded still in awee, and when my mother was done with his wounds too, she shouted that we should go now to the table and eat.

But before it, she chuckled and whispered to me:

,,He is a nice boy Natsuki, good choice!"

My face heat up again from my mothers words and she begann to walk away chuckling, leaving me flustrated in my place where I still stood and begann to play with my finger tips.

What did she mean?
Me and Izuku?
No way!
He would never...!
Or...maybe yes?

I asked myself and let a soft smile cross on my face, till I decided finally to choin them in the kitchen.

,,Hey Natsu, where were you?
It felt so bored without you, even if it were only 5 minutes!"

Izuku said and I blushed, looking at my food, then at my Mum, who gave me a small grin.

I smiled and looked at Izuku.

,,I'm sorry, I was just thinking on something and I needed a bit silence for that.
But I'm here now, and thats all matters!"

I said and Izuku smiled.


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