Slow Hands

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21st of November 2017

Lauren, Harry and I jogged backstage to find Niall who had claimed 'would die if he doesn't see Lauren before he goes on tonight.' A bit dramatic if you ask me but that's Niall for you.

"This place is fucking huge!" Lauren exclaimed as we passed members of Niall's crew, Harry stopping every thirty seconds when he recognised someone and wanted to have a chat with them.

"You've been backstage before Lauren, surely this is nothing new to you," I laughed as my heels clicked along the ground, regretting the decision to wear heels as we ran around backstage trying to find Niall's dressing room.

"Oi I reckon it's this one," Harry said as we all halted abruptly in front of a door that had the words 'Niall Horan' printed in black on a white piece of people.

"Oh, really? What makes you think that Haz?" I questioned sarcastically, getting two sets of eyes which basically told me to 'shut up' with just their stares.

"Just a hunch Anna," Harry laughed as he knocked on the door, which was opened straight away by a certain brown haired Irish man with his usual grin on his face and a beer in hand.

"Oi! Get in here you three!" Niall exclaimed as he pulled Harry inside, the two mates embracing each other like they had been apart for years but I suppose when you spend five years together with someone, a couple of months apart really does feel like years.

"Good to see you mate," I heard Harry say as Lauren and I waited in the entrance way for our turn to say hello to the cheerful Irishman whom we had grown to love over the years.

"You too Styles," Niall said as they both let go of each other, Harry going to say hello to Niall's band who were eating pizza and sitting around a rickety black plastic table that looked like it had seen way too much. "Now, where is the love of my life?"

"Oh piss of Niall I'm -" Lauren began to say before Niall interrupted her with a loud laugh before speaking again.

"Wasn't talking about you Loz, was talking about my favourite stylist and Manchester gal Anna," Niall said with a grin and I just laughed as I threw my arms around Niall and hugged him tightly as there was also a time where we spent every day together and sometimes I truly miss the days on the road with the five boys. There was something about always having company and having five built in friends that made life seem so easy.

"Missed you Niall," I said as he gave me a squeeze and I let out a soft laugh as he loosened his grip on me.

"Missed you too Anna, might have to steal you from Harry," he said with a grin.

"Oi no way is that happening you tosser," Harry said from where he was standing with John, Niall's bassist who is wicked talented.

"Only kidding mate," Niall said with a laugh as he let me go and turned his attention to my sister who was waiting impatiently for Niall to give her some attention which made me shake her head as we left the two of them to greet each other alone and I went over to introduce myself to Niall's band and grab myself a slice of pizza, being careful not to spill any of the toppings on my white t-shirt.

"God the sexual tension between them is fucking insane," I laughed, Harry and the band nodding in agreement. Lauren and Niall have always had some sort of spark between them, even when I bought Lauren and my mum to a show in 2013, Lauren forcing me to drag them both backstage so that she could meet her favourite band and four years later her and Niall are flirting like there is nobody else in the room.

Anna: Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now