This Town

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2nd of December 2017

"Are you ready to go?" Harry asked after I had pulled on my black high top converse, in desperate need for a new pair once more, since they were falling apart once again.

"I sure am," I said, taking a quick look at my outfit in the floor length mirror of the living room in the Airbnb that Harry and I were staying in for the next couple of days before we fly to Japan.

I had settled on a seventies style green shirt with yellow and orange flowers patterned on it, tying the front of it into a bow, sitting just above the mid-wash flared denim jeans that I was wearing.

"You look spectacular, as always," Harry said, leaning down to place a soft kiss on my head, a small smile forming on my lips before we left our cottage Airbnb just outside of Auckland, our Uber waiting for us very patiently as we finally climbed into the back of the car, Harry making immediate small talk with the driver.

Harry never addressed what happened between us in the dressing room bathroom at the Melbourne show and because he had not bought it up so far, neither did I. Everything felt normal between us but I was just waiting for him to say something about the other night but he never did.

"Gosh I can't believe you have time off for a couple of days, what are we even going to do?" I asked with a laugh, Harry's hand resting on top of mine where I had placed it in the middle seat of the Uber.

It was a rarity that either of us have time off and it may only be for a few days but I knew that we would definitely be taking advantage of it.

"Sleeping for four days straight sounds like an idea to me."

"An extremely productive use of time Harry," I said sarcastically and he just nodded with a cheeky grin on his face, his soft curls bouncing around his head.

"Well think about all the time we have off after Japan, we won't know what to do with ourselves," Harry stated and I nodded in agreement, a small smile appearing on my lips at the thought of spending almost three full months in Los Angeles with Harry, aside from when we go back to England to spend Christmas with our families.

"Eat sleep rave repeat?" I jokingly suggested, a chuckle leaving Harry's lips as he clearly understand the music reference.

"Sounds like the perfect plan to me," he said with a grin and I smiled at him as we sat in a comfortable silence for the rest of our short drive, our Uber driver and Harry talking about Auckland and where we should head on our days off, Harry noting down some of the suggestions on his phone before we pulled up to the Arena, the driver taking us around the back, Harry handing him a pass to flash to the security guards who let us through to where we could get out of the car safely.

"Thanks mate, I'll look into your suggestions," Harry said as he got out of the Uber, jogging straight inside to get to soundcheck on time.

"Thank you so much," I said softly, giving the man a smile before following Harry and flashing my pass to a different set of security once more, going straight backstage and finding the dressing room with ease, the room unusually quiet as James and Ruby are usually here later as they are never needed for soundcheck.

I made myself comfortable on the black pleather couch that was in the dressing room, pulling my laptop out of my bag and plugging my headphones in, debating whether I wanted to listen to an Australian band called Hockey Dad who I had recently started listening to, or take my usual route of listening to Frank Ocean. I settled on the former.

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