Somewhere Only We Know

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27th of March 2018

Yesterday seemed like something out of a fantasy dream of mine.

I do not think I had ever been more nervous for anything in my life but as soon as I realised that everything was relaxed and smooth running, I felt like I was floating on cloud nine.

The journalist, Kerstin Weng, was exceptionally kind and brilliant at her job, making me feel like I was simply chatting to an old friend.

We met in a small cafe to get our chat started before heading to the hotel room that Vogue Germany had booked for us to use, which is where we did the shoot as well.

Kerstin and I continued to chat for the whole morning, until she got a call informing her that we needed to be at the hotel room ASAP, which made us giggle as we realised just how long we had been talking for.

We spoke about everything from my first designer piece to what my ideal Friday night is to my favourite musician (Frank Ocean of course).

The one thing I had hoped and prayed for, is that they would not make the article about Harry and bombard me with questions about him.

Obviously they asked me about what it's like working with him and how everything came to be but there was not one question about me being his girlfriend, which I liked. I've always liked being my own person and I never wanted to be seen as 'Harry Styles' girlfriend,' and not myself.

And god the clothes, the fucking clothes. Dior, Jacquemus, Gucci and Chanel, just to name a few. My stylist heart was bursting at the seems when I scanned through the racks; feeling the different fabrics in my hands and gasping in awe when I saw some of the pieces.

I was lucky enough to also get my hair and makeup done by some fabulous hair and makeup artists, who made me feel so beautiful I almost cried but stopped when I realised when I was going to be in Vogue and needed to look very much put together.

After the shoot, I continued talking to Kerstin who recorded our conversation so she did not miss anything, the two of us staying in the hotel room way later than we should have but we honestly couldn't stop talking to each other.

It was weird being on the other side of the whole styling situation and not the one putting the outfits together. While I did get to have a little bit of input, the overall choices were made by the Vogue stylists and I could not fault them, as their outfits were perfect.

The whole day felt like a blur and before I knew it I was back at the hotel with Harry, who was asking a million questions about my day, not that I minded of course, it was nice to be able to talk to him about this.

That was a little over twenty-four hours ago, Harry and I staying up late, consuming numerous cups of tea between us, something that we often do when have the night to ourselves in our hotel room.

The interview with Vogue Germany is coming out in their August edition, meaning there was a huge break between everything, giving them enough time to make sure that everything is perfect.

The last 24 hours flew by to where I was now, sitting side stage with Ruby and James, watching Harry dance around on stage in a purple suit, the pants being purple on the front and orange on the back.

"What are you doing after the show?" James asked, his fifth cup of tea for the day in his hands.

"Harry said that he has something planned for us," I said simply, a small smile etched upon my face as I continued to watch Harry perform, my eyes not straying from the stage.

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