• Do's & dont's pt2

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1. DO NOT:

Do not forget to brighten up the white of eyes. If this left unedited, it may appear dull and in many cases it can make the eyes appear reddish/ slightly bloodshot. Basically the model looks high lol

  Basically the model looks high lol

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Brighten up the white of the eye.

I do this using an airbrush in ibispaint in the colour white, blend using add.

Lower the opacity of the overall layer if it ends up being too bright.


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2. DO NOT:

Do I actually have to point this out?

Apparently so.

Do not use low quality images.


Always make sure that you try to use hq images. This may be an obvious one to some of you, but I still come across many who use low quality images. Even though the skill is kinda there, low quality images easily spoil the outcome.

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You know the drill by now

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You know the drill by now...

3. DO NOT:

uSe a pixelated or messy png. This is one of the WORST things you can do. It easily makes your graphic look bad.


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4. DO NOT:

Don't use ugly filters 😭
Just because a filter might look good on a picture, does not mean that it'll look good on a cover/ graphic too. Don't use filters that take away from your graphic.

Believe it or not but I used the same filter for both of these:

Believe it or not but I used the same filter for both of these:

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Use subtle filters or filters that bring out the best in your graphic. Consider editing your work specifically rather than slapping on a filter first. Don't use those extreme the filters that are often used for screencaps on your covers.

But don't be shy to post your variations as well. If you are going to use the cover for a book just make sure to use the best variant.

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