{Chapter 1-Small Beginnings}

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Logan was very much still asleep with Patton opened his door, waking him up with a sing-songy voice. It was weird, Patton checking on him every single morning. Logan knew it was just him checking if he'd have a baby for the day, or if Logan needed anything. He sat up a bit, rubbing at his eyes before looking up at Patton. His vision was still a bit blurry because he didn't have his glasses on, but he gave a soft wave. 

"Still sleepy?" Patton chuckled, coming to the side of the bed and sitting down. 

"mhm." was his only response.

"Virgil woke up pretty small today, and I wanted to check if you felt little too." Patton spoke after a few moments, "So...am I making breakfast for a toddler or not?"

Logan giggled at that, immediately covering his mouth with his hand. "Didn't mean that. No, m' big."

"Okay, so I'm guessing you're around five right now?" Patton teased, softly reaching over and tugging on his wrist so that his hand was pulled away from his face. Logan was blushing, looking around for one of his stuffed animals to hug. "Awe, sweetheart. I know being little and cutesy, especially around us is new for you, but you have nothing to be scared of."

"Pwomise?" Logan replied quickly, biting on his lip. Patton gave a soft smile, knowing the boy was regressing fully now. 

"Absolutely, baby." he leaned forward, kissing his forehead softly. 

This whole thing, Virgil and Logan being toddlers sometimes, it was new. Newer to Patton then it was to Roman, but either way it was an adjustment for everyone. Virgil had been regressing since he left the dark sides at the latest, but he had only told Roman about his littlespace three or so months ago. And the only reason he did so was because he involuntarily regressed while he was there to see. 

Logan himself had been regressing knowingly for only a few months, but he had suspicions that he had been regressing much longer, he just didn't know what it was to label it. He thought it was some weird thing, not a completely healthy coping skill that was improving his mental health. So when Virgil slipped up at the dinner table just a few weeks ago and couldn't come up with a cover up, Logan was glad to hear that there was another little in the house. 

Logan remembered the rant Patton gave Virgil and Logan, telling them that they shouldn't hide their regression, and now that everyone knew, they could regress whenever they wanted. Virgil came to Logan's room after dinner, and they talked for hours about what was previously a secret. 

"I would've never pegged you as a regressor, but I guess it makes sense. You probably have the most stressful work out of all of us. This might be weird, but do you know your age range?"  Logan remembered him asking. 

Logan remembered talking throughout the whole night, and ending up somewhat cuddled up in Logan's bed. They didn't regress that night, but they did both wake up small.

That day was no more then two weeks ago, and things were still being settled and figured out. Roman being Virgil's caregiver had already been arranged, but Logan didn't have a caregiver. He insisted that he didn't really need one, the only reason he told everyone was because they reacted well to Virgil and he didn't logically see the point in keeping in a secret when he knew that he'd most likely be accepted. He also knew it would make things easier, if he didn't have to hide and rush off to his room every single time he felt himself slipping.

And though he said that he didn't need a carer, doing things by himself that morning while watching Roman guide and baby Virgil kind of made him sad. That's when Patton stepped in, helping him and giving him affection, he did his best and his best was enough for Logan. So since then, every single morning, Patton would come to his room and ask if he was little. Most of the time, he wasn't, and he'd get a soft hug and a "breakfast will be ready soon". But when he was, like now, Patton would help him get ready for the day. 

Soft, Cute, and Far Smarter Than You || Sanders Sides Agere/CGLRE (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now