{Chapter 2- Big Brother}

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A/N: The first chapter was kind of an intro, so there's a bit of a timeskip between that chapter and this one. it's no more then a month, I just wanted to mention it because some things happened during that time that will be explained throughout this chapter.

also this chapter features kid!logan being excited about science stuff+being a good big brother to Virgil.


"Kiddo, you're going to make a mess!" Patton commented, looking at Logan, who wore gloves, science goggles, and had a whole set up at the dining room table. 

"That's what the tray is for, Daddy!" Logan explained in his kiddish voice, pointing to the metal tray that was meant to catch the extra foam when he added the vinegar to the baking soda. He had some baking soda inside of a glass cup, and another cup with some vinegar in it. Patton saw how excited he was when he saw the science experiment on youtube, Logan was so quick to ignore anything Patton had to say in order to set up the experiment. 

"Okay, I'm gonna pour it in now!" he told Patton, taking hold of the glass of vinegar and tipping it above the cup of baking soda. 

"Do a dramatic countdown!" Roman interrupted, entering the dining room/kitchen to come watch Logan do his little experiment. Virgil was trailing behind Roman. They sat at the table, Virgil in between Patton and Roman.

Logan rolled his eyes, "Why?" he asked. 

"It's simply necessary. You're gonna make something like fizz up or whatever, right?" Logan nodded in an annoyed way, ready to start. 

"Okay well it's like a bomb countdown, you have to do a dramatic countdown before something cool happens!" Roman explained. 

"Oh...okay!" Logan agreed, taking a second to readjust the cup in his hand and to tip it above the other cup. "Five," Roman joined in, "Four, three," this is where Patton and Virgil jumped in. "Two...."

"One!" the liquid dissolved the powder in a few seconds, and the substance foamed up and bubbled over the rim of the cup, oozing down onto the tray. Logan giggled, backing up a bit and clapping his hands. 

"Daddy, can I do it again?" Logan questioned, looking at his caregiver with a hopeful look. Patton gave a soft nod before speaking, 

"I don't see why not."

Logan did the experiment a few times over, giggling and clapping his hands, practically bouncing in his seat each time. Patton thought it was adorable how excited he was about this. "Why does it do dat, Lo?" Virgil asked after watching in awe the first few times. 

"It's a chemical reaction! When these two," he pointed to the box of baking soda, and the bottle of vinegar, "mix together, they fizz up because it becomes a unstable substance." he explained,excited to try and teach Virgil something. 

Virgil seemed confused, obviously a bit younger then Logan was at the moment. "They don't go together well, so they kind of try to separate, and it makes it fizz up and stuff!" he tried to simplify it, and Virgil understood a bit more. "Do you wanna try to do it?" Logan offered, a slight shyness to his voice. Virgil looked up at him with curious and excited eyes. 

"Can I do it, Roro?" Virgil pleaded, looking up at his own caregiver, kind of pouting in an attempt at convincing him. 

"Go ahead, baby. Just be careful," Roman nodded, and Virgil quickly went around the table to sit next to Logan. 

Over the past six or so weeks, whenever the two boys regressed together, they began to adapt a sibling-like bond. Logan was always older then Virgil was, and would guide Virgil through simple things that he could understand. And if Virgil was to little to learn anything, he'd play a simple game. He really liked being the big brother. 

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