{Chapter 6- Arcade Games}

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A/N: Y'all I wrote this all in one day- I've written a lot today so...be proud please! Please send me feedback if you liked this chapter! It's really fun exploring the sibling dynamic between Virgil and Logan! There's definitely gonna be more of this very soon!


"We're here!" Virgil put the car in park, leaning back as Logan got to look around. He had been rambling about something and hadn't been paying attention to where they were going. When his eyes landed on the sign of the building in front of them. 

"Is this an arcade?" Logan ran his fingers through his hair, looking at Virgil. It looked like he was holding back an outburst of excitement while waiting for the others response. Virgil nodded, giving him a light smile. 

"Yes!" he exclaimed, seemingly happy about this. He realized what he did, taking a breath and correcting himself. "I mean...cool. Thanks." 

"You're welcome, but..." Virgil paused, and Logan looked at him somewhat nervously. "You're allowed to be excited. There's a reason I brought you here. It'd be disappointing if you weren't excited." 

"Oh, um..sorry. C-can we go in?" Logan attempted to change the topic, unbuckling his seat belt and going to open the door. 

"Logan," Virgil made him stop in his tracks. 


"Please don't repress emotions, especially the good ones. You can be happy, Lo."

Logan slowly nodded, biting on his lip. After a moment, he motions to his door. "Can we...?"

"Yeah, let's go." Virgil opened his door and hopped out, Logan doing the same on the other side.

Logan was definitely excited. He loved video games and pizza, both of which he could get here. 

He was happy that Virgil surprised him with this. 


"Okay, so you have your tokens, right?" Virgil checked. Logan took a sip out of his pop, holding up the bag of tokens with a nod. "I'm going to sit here and message your caregiver for a bit. Be good," Virgil sat down in one of the booths by the snack counter, where he had a decent view of the game section. 

He'd be able to see Logan at almost any game in the arcade. Logan nodded, "I will." he assured. 

"Have fun, I'll find you in a bit." 

"Cool, sounds good." 

And just like that, he was off to play games. Virgil joined him after a few minutes of conversing with Patton about Logan. About how he was excited to be at the arcade, how he was less anxious when presented with something he enjoyed. 

"Boo!" Virgil snuck up behind the boy, startling him successfully. 

"Virgil!" he whined, throwing his hands off the controls as he lost the game. "You made me lose!" he pouted. 

"Oh, boo-hoo. You can always play again," Virgil pointed out, moving to stand next to him. Logan's cup sat on the ground next to the game, next to his token bag. Logan ignored him, watching as his score displayed on the screen. 

He waited for his tickets to dispense before pulling them out, stuffing them into the pockets of Virgil's hoodie. "You good, Lo?" Virgil asked after a few moments. Logan shrugged silently as he put another coin into the slot, waiting for the game to start. Virgil sighed, rolling his eyes before speaking again. "I'm sorry I made you lose the game." he apologized. 

"You've been forgiven," Logan glanced at him for a moment, giving him a cheeky smile before looking back to the screen and focusing on the game. 

Virgil rolled his eyes again before looking at the screen and watching him play. Teenage Logan was rather playful sometimes, but he'd never admit that. Sometimes, he just wanted to be silly and dorky, he was just shyer about it when he was older. 

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