{Chapter 4- Discussions and Punishments}

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A/N: I don't wanna be the one to beg for reblogs or votes, but I feel like people aren't seeing my stuff much anymore? Or I'm just not getting a lot of feedback. So if you enjoyed this, please support it and reblog/leave a comment or something, I appreciate stuff like that so much!


Logan did not see the point in this. He did not wanna suffer through this conversation with his caregiver, but Patton said that it should happen. When Logan and Virgil revealed their headspaces back to back, Patton and Roman both had questions. And now that Patton has gotten to see Logan in his headspace a few times, he had a few more. 

So that's what this was, an opportunity for Patton to ask Logan questions and hopefully get honest responses. "I know, I know. You don't wanna do this, but I have so much that I'm curious about! I feel like there's certain things I should know if I'm gonna keep being your caregiver." 

Logan sat in his chair, spun around so that he was facing his bed, where Patton sat. Patton figured he'd be more comfortable in his room without the other two there. "okay, get on with it." Logan instructed. Patton sighed, starting off with a simple one. 

"What's the entirety of your headspace range?" he questioned. Logan thought for a moment. 

"I don't ever seem to younger then three, and the oldest I've ever felt without being completely big is around sixteen." he admitted. He shifted in his seat, a little uncomfortable. He still wasn't quite used to talking about his headspace like it was a normal thing. Being able to just casually talk about things like his headspace range and his little gear preferences, it was weird. 

"Thirteen years? Wow." Patton seemed shocked when he thought of it that way. "Okay, next..." he paused, "is there anything I can do to be a part of your regression while you're a teenager without overstepping or making you uncomfortable?" he seemed nervous, but he genuinely wanted to know. 

"Oh! Um..." Logan paused now, thinking. "I don't know. Just kinda what you did last time I regressed to those ages, check on me and stuff. What you did last time was actually pretty perfect." he shyly smiled at Patton, who excitedly beamed. 

"Really? Awe!" Logan coughed, snapping Patton out of his excitement to keep going with the questions. "Okay, overall, is there anything I could do better while you're little?"

"Maybe use the term 'regressed' when asking about it, or talking about that in general. I kind of associate 'little' with by kidspace and anything below that. So when talking about my teenspace..." Logan trailed off.

"Use the term regressed instead! Got it. Anything that'll make you more comfortable, kiddo." Patton nodded. "Hmm...is there anything else I could do better?" he asked. "Or something you'd like me to start doing?"

"Maybe...." Logan paused, feeling as if his thought was stupid. He continued anyways though. "Maybe we could start doing punishments and rewards. Not when I'm a teenager, but when I'm a kid and stuff." He didn't make direct mention of his younger headspace, but Patton brushed it off and continued talking after a moment.

"We could make a sticker chart for little Logan! Whenever you behave well, you can add stickers to the chart! We can make a system and everything." he said, Logan nodding. "But punishments? What would we even do?"

"I mean, most kids get timeouts and stuff. I don't know. I don't really misbehave though, so we don't have to worry about that." Logan now regretted bringing that up. Patton seemed skeptical immediately. 

"Okay, fine." he sighed, "for now, we won't worry about punishments. But the moment you start being bratty while regressed, we are sitting down to have this conversation again." he playfully threatened. Logan gave an understanding nod, and they kept talking. 

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