Sad cute happy dirty hayes imagine

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You were sitting in your room,crying in a ball,wondering why did your father have too die. "It should've been me." You screamed at the top of your lungs. Your father died 7 months ago and even though he wasn't always there for you,you still loved him. His loss was hard on you. You wiped your face as you looked at your phone.

"Hey girl wanna go too a party tonight!? I know you've been going through a hard time and I just wanted too help you take your mind off of it."

You thought and decided,why not.

Ok I'll be ready in an hour 💄

I then got up and washed my face and straightened my hair. I put on mascara,powder,eyeliner and some Chapstick. I then grabbed out some high waisted shorts and a gray hoodie. I threw on my Hollister flip flops and walked out the door and into my friends car. We drove too some popular kids house named Landon. I stepped out of the car and walked into the main doors. There was A LOT of people there. I smelt a little alcohol (since there 16) when I walked in. I went straight too the dance floor. I wanted all of my hateful sad energy too be released. I danced hard. I found a lonely body dancing alone. I grabbed their hand and danced dirty with them. They then brought me too the corner by the stairs and cuffed their hand around my mouth. I screamed but no one could hear me. They dragged me upstairs and started taking off all my clothes. I was about too get raped. I screamed at the top of my lungs and 5 minutes later when all my clothes were on the floor I herd the door open. It was hayes, one of the popular kids. He threw a couple punches and knocked the random stranger out. "Are you ok." He asked sternly. I cried no... He then noticed I was fully naked. He took off his jacket and handed it too me. I put it on my body as he gathered my clothes off the floor. He gave me my underwear and bra and I slipped them on quickly. He then picked me up bridal style, and brought me down the block where we ended siting on his porch. (You were back in all your clothes btw😂) "Why did you look so angry when you saw what was happening." You asked wiping the tears from your eyes." He took a deep breath and spoke "Ok,i know you've had a lot going on but I'm going too finally tell you." He looked deep inside of your eyes when he said "I've liked you ever since 5th grade, and I fell in love with you even though we didn't talk much. When I herd you screaming I left my friends and tried too find you,and when I did I was so furious by how that stranger was treating you. But I mean I'll lea-" You cut him off with a kiss. You pulled back and couldn't believe what just happened. You bit you're lip and smiled a huge smirk and said "Thank you." He picked you up and gave you a huge hug while you left your feet hanging and you arms wrapped tightly around him. "I'll walk you home." He said as you jumped on his back too carry you home.

There's going too be a part 2 soon 😘☺️ thank you so much for reading!!! ily

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