Cameron dallas imagine

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You herd the most loud annoying sound you possibly ever could hear. Your alarm clock. You stomped out of your bed too get ready for school. You walked out of the door in your jeans and a Abercrombie hoodie,you had on black low cut converse with your hair wavy. You got off the bus and walked into school. You went too your locker too grab all of your morning class work. As you grabbed the last thing out of your locker you herd a voice come up behind you. "Hey,I'm Cameron and I think I'm lost." He said laughing in the middle of his words. He was so cute. You looked through his schedule and it turns out you had every class together except 2. "We have all our classes together except for the last two day classes." You said hiding your smile a bit trying not too over do it. "Well I made my first friend,i didn't get your name by the way?" He said. "Oh sorry my names Alissa." You smiled and shook his hand. "so follow me for the first part of the day and then I'll help you too the last classes."You guided him throughout the classes and told him all the people not to talk too. You didn't have any friends,your only friends were the people on your sports team at a different school. You and him sat together at lunch. "I don't have any friends at this school,i only have friends on my sports team." You looked at him as his hand reached out for yours. "Well it looks like you made a new friend."he said gliding his thumb on you knuckles."I'm your friend now." he said giving you a slight smile. "Wanna hang out after school,i can pick you up." He asked rubbing his hands together. "Sure." I replied. It was the end of the day and me and Cameron got on the same bus. We sat next too each other and it turns out we lived 7 houses down from each other. When I got home I washed my hands and ate a snack,as I grabbed my purse I herd the door ring. I opened it and shut it on my way out. "So do you want too go too my house and hang out there." He asked. "sure." You said quietly. You walked in the door and set your coat down on the bannister,you both went downstairs too talk and just get too know each other. "So,you have any brothers or sisters?" he asked sitting down on the couch."I have one older brother but he doesn't live with me." You said taking a seat at the other end of the couch. You both asked a ton of questions until you guys ended up playing xbox . "I'll see you later." You said walking too the door. "See you" he said. You opened the door and was about too walk out when Cameron gave you a big ole hug. You smiled and then ran too your house. You smiled when you got in the door. you got ready and fell asleep.

It was Thursday and today and Friday we have off for some stupid reason but I'll take it. There was a big party today. I made a couple new friends over the week and they invited me too it so why not go right? I jumped out of bed and threw a pair of sweats and a PINK hoodie on. I then ran too the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a shower and all that good stuff. I brushed my hair and put on my previous outfit from this early morning. I grabbed a cereal bar and then went too my laptop. I facetimed Cameron for a bit and asked him if he wanted too go too the party with me. He of course agreed. Time passed and it was 6:30 and the party was about too start. This was your first high school party so you invited your new friends too help you find what too wear. You straightened your hair and then put on winged eyeliner and mascara and some foundation powder. Your outfit was some high waisted Abercrombie jean shorts with a white PINK sweater. You threw on some black converse and a star necklace. Your friends left too go get ready at there own house. Cameron then came and you guys both walked too the party. He was wearing khaki shorts with a maroon color vans shirt with of course some vans and middle length knee socks. When you got too the party it was already reckless. It was like those parties you see in those funny movies. Everyone was dancing and doing stuff they really shouldn't be doing. You and Cameron then left the party after 2 hours and went down by the little pond that no one ever went too. "The stars look beautiful tonight." You spoke gazing into the stars. "There not the only thing that's beautiful tonight." Cameron said looking at you. "Wow,cheesy...i like it." you said giggling at what he said. You both started talking and it eventually lead too...... "Do you like me?" He said with a slight smile. "I mean I think your cute and nice and yea...." You both sat there for five minutes staring away from each other until he turned around and pushed you gently towards him. He slowly out his hand behind your neck and gently kissed you. He let go and went back in for another kiss. "And that's how I met your father." you spoke too your three children.

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