Chapter 21

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I gently wipe Katelyn's cheeks. Ridding her of the tears that were on her face. "Katelyn, I need you." Katelyn shook her head. "No yo-." I roll my eyes. "Yes, I do. I don't want steady. I want stability. I want someone who's going to stick by me without fear. Not caring what we have to go through. I found that in you. And I don't ever want to fucking let you go. I need you more than you know," I say gently. "(Y/n) you need someone bet-." "Don't even start on that. You don't hold yourself to a high enough pedestal. Katelyn, you are so perfect for me. In every type of way. I love you so much," I say. Katelyn pulled me down into an urgent kiss. I place my hands on her hips. Pulling the girl closer to me. I push her back into the house. Keeping our lips locked together. I close and lock the door with my magic. Not giving a damn about anything other than the girl in front of me. We pull away panting. Before our lips meet once again.
(A/n~ Smut is up next. Warning for those who feel uncomfortable with this)
I pick Katelyn up. Bringing us both to her bedroom. I lay her gently down on the bed. Katelyn licks at my bottom lip. I open up so her tongue can slide in. Pushing our make out further than it was already. I pull her flush against me. I wanted her as close as possible to me. I wanted nothing more than to show her how much I love her. I part our kiss and trail kisses down her jaw. Moving to her sweet spot. Which was right above her collar. Katelyn gasped softly. Her hands ran into my hair. I smirk and create a hickey on that one spot. Moving one of my hands up to push up her blouse. I pull away and look at her. "Should I continue," I ask? Katelyn nods. Hair sprayed all over the bed. Looking as pretty as ever. "Yes. Continue. You have my full consent," Katelyn breathes out. And damn did consent look sexy on her. (A/n~ Consent is fucking sexy. Always have consent.) I smirk and push off her blouse. Leaving kisses in my wake. Katelyn gasped softly. I move to make hickeys on the exposed skin of her breast that peeped of from her bra. My hands wander down her stomach to her jeans. Unbuttoning them. I make my way down slowly. Pulling off all the clothes. "You're so pretty, baby. I love every part of you," I whisper. Making hickeys around her hips and on her stomach.
(Y/n) kissed up my thighs. Before kissing at my core. I gasped sharply. Feeling her lips glide down. "(Y/n)," I gasped. Feeling her eat me out at a fast pace. I moan. throwing my head back. It's been so long since I've felt like this. And (Y/n) knew just how to touch me. I forgot how she knew my body. Knowing just the right way to touch me. (Y/n) continued on. Eating me out with no care in the world. I moan. Letting my eyes slip close. Oh my, Irene. "(Y/n)! (Y/n) don't stop, please. Do-." I cry out as I cum. My hands clenching out on the sheets. (Y/n) hums as she pulls away. Licking at her lips. I pant as I look at her. I bring my hands up. Looking up at her with a pout. I let my hands push her shirt. Just like she had done with me. "You're overdressed (Y/n)," I whisper. (Y/n) chuckles. Pulling off her shirt. I help her undress. Wanting to be one with her once again. (Y/n) kissed me again. Positioning us just right. She pulled away and leaned her forehead on mine. I entangle our hands together. "Ready," (Y/n) asks gently? Nuzzling our noses together. "Mhmm," I whisper. (Y/n) slowly pushed inside of me. I close my eyes. Breath hitching. She was just pushing in. And already pleasure was coursing through my body like it was nothing. (Y/n) bottoms out and pauses. I open my eyes and shake my head already. "You don't have to wait. Just keep going," I whisper. (Y/n) nods, moving. I moan. Leaning to kiss her again. "I love you," I whisper on her lips. (Y/n) smiles. Kissing my forehead. Not stopping at her pace. "I love you more, Blue," (Y/n) whispers. I smile at her. My heart beating faster in my chest. Moans and groans leave our lips. "(Y/n)," I moan out. I scratch on her back as I cum. (Y/n) cums with me. A groan leaving her lips.
(A/n~ It's safe here. No smut here)
Katelyn and I lay down once we're finished. I pull her into my arms. Katelyn sighs gently. I watch as her eyes close. As her breath evened out. I brush my hands through her hair. Breathing in deeply. I pull up the covers around us. Pressing a kiss to the top to her forehead. "Goodnight, Blue. Sweet dreams," I whisper. Falling asleep with her. I awaken to my phone ringing. I let out a groan and turn to grab it. My eyes glance around as I answer it. Not seeing or feeling Katelyn besides me. "Yes," I ask? "(Y/n) get your ass here! We have to go over the Butterfly Viewing in less than thirty minutes." My eyes widened and I sit up. "I'll be there in five," I answered. "Good." I hang up and get up. I make some clothes appear. And head to a spare bathroom. Since I didn't want to disturb Katelyn if she was in hers. I meet Katelyn downstairs. Who smiles at me. She seemed to glow with beauty. I smile at her. "Morning, Blue," I greet. Kissing her cheek. "Morning, (Y/n/n). How did you sleep," she asks? I hum. "Fine. You," I ask? "Better," Katelyn answers. Giggling to herself. I shake my head and chuckle. Stopping in front of her. Katelyn looks up at me. "I have to head out soon. But if I have time, I'll come to get you for lunch," I promise. Katelyn nods. "Okay. Don't overwork yourself today." I smile at her. "I can't promise anything." I check my watch. Seeing I have to go. I lean down and kiss Katelyn quickly. "You know, I love you," I whisper. Katelyn laughs. "I love you too."

Another one😏

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