Chapter 23

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I walk inside the daycare. Looking for one child in particular. (Y/n)'s. The little girl was sitting down in the back of the class with her bookbag on. I smile and walk over to her. "Hey. I'm a friend of your mom's. I'm here to pick you up," I say. The girl looked at me confused. I didn't know her name. But I didn't care about that. I just needed the girl so I could bait (Y/n) to come with me. That's all I needed. 
I walk into Eersyn's daycare. Smiling at her teacher. "I'll get Emersyn for you." I smile. "Thank you," I say. She walks off. And returns with a lady and Emersyn. I pick up Emersyn. Looking at the girl in front of me. My eyes hardened. I tightly grip onto Emersyn. She smiles at me. "Why don't we take our talk outside, (Y/n)?" I nod sharply. Signing Emersyn out. I walk out of the building after her. Not trusting the girl behind me. I don't know what she has up her sleeve. she stops in front of my car. I stand by the back door. "(Y/n) it's good to see you again," she says. "How did you find me," I ask? Holding my baby tighter. Here I let my eyes glow. I don't care how much she hurts me. But so help me, if so much of a scratch comes on my baby and I will burn this whole place to the ground. Her with it. "I have my ways. It's easy to find you when you're posted on the internet," she says. "What could possibly want? Why the hell are you so obsessed with me," I pressed? Stepping back. She comes closer. Her eyes growing wide with insanity. I take another step back from the lady. A tremble shaking up my bones. "Now listen my dear girl. Don't get cocky. My men are surrounding the whole building." I glance around. And truth be told her men were surrounding the whole building. I felt panic. How the hell was I going to take on all these guys? With Emersyn in my arms? How was I going to...? I look up as she chuckles. I keep Emersyn close to me. Emersyn looked around confused. She held on tight to me. Maybe she could feel the atmosphere. "Now here's how things are going to go. You're going to call up Katelyn for her to come to get this child. And then you'll come with us. And if you even think of trying anything, I'll have these men kill them both and Eliza." I look up at her shocked. But there was only a twisted smirk on her face. "Get on to it." I slowly take out my phone. Going to call Katelyn. 
"Hello," I say. Answering the phone. "Hey, Kate," (Y/n) mutters. I pause in my work. "(Y/n) what's wrong," I ask? "I just need you to come to the daycare. I got Emersyn but something came up," she says lowly. "(Y/n) what's going on? Just drop her off at my house if work comes up," I reasoned. "No, Blue. I can't. I need you to come here. Please," (Y/n) begs. I'm taken back. Because (Y/n) (Y/l/n) does not beg. Not for a goddamn thing. She has too much pride for that. I stand. "(Y/n), did you happen to see grapes today," I ask? Grapes was our code name for Gretel. "Right now," (Y/n) answers. I nod, even if she can't see me. "I'm coming. Give me some time," I say. "Alright. I'll be waiting." And then the line goes dead. I drive as fast as I can to get to (Y/n). Trying to think of some way that I can get her out of this. How will I get her out of this? When I get there a man escorts me to where (Y/n) is. She's holding our baby. And Gretel is standing there. (Y/n) hands me Emersyn. "Come (Y/n)." (Y/n) nods. Not taking her eyes off of Gretel. Though I grab (Y/n)'s arm. "Wait! Don't I at least get to say goodbye?! You can't just take her," I say. Needing just a little more time. I was sure that if I had just a little more time I could figure out a way to get us out of here. I was certain about that. Gretel looks at me. She scoffs. "I guess. You get five minutes." I nod. Gretel walks off and I turn to (Y/n). "How can we get you out? Do you have a plan," I ask urgently? (Y/n) shakes her head. Her hands coming to my face. "No. I have to go." I look at her like she was stupid. "What do you mean you have to go? (Y/n) don't be stupid. We have enough time to think of something." I sounded desperate. But hell I was. I didn't want (Y/n) to go back. I didn't want her to leave. And be with her. "No, I have to go. If I don't she'll kill both of you. And I can't have that." Tears fill my eyes. "(Y/n) you can't go back. Please. What if we never see you again," I ask? "Then you should know I love you. Every inch of you. You're perfect to me," (Y/n) whispers. Kissing me gently. But tears were already filling her eyes. I shake my head. "(Y/n) we need to think of something. We could do something," I beg. But I know (Y/n)'s mind is already made up. And I didn't want to put Emersyn at risk. Because our baby comes first. Emersyn comes before (Y/n)'s and my needs. She comes before even the mere thought of us. It was something (Y/n) and I have always agreed on. (Y/n) gives me a gentle smile. Before looking down at our baby.
I desperately try to blink my tears away. Giving my baby the happiest smile that I could muster up. Emersyn smiles back at me. Placing her hands on my cheeks. I smile and lean forward. Kissing her cheek. Emersyn does the same for me. I smile and pull away. So she can see me sign to her. "I want you to be a good girl for Mommy okay. And I need you to know Mama loves you so much. Further than the farthest star," I say gently. "I love you too, Mama," Emersyn says. She comes back. "It's time to go, (Y/n). Let's go." "No!" Katelyn grabs my arm. Gretel rolls her eyes. "Just give me some time, (Y/n). I can get us all out of here." I smile sadly. Trying to keep myself pieced together. I take her fingers off of my arm and kiss her knuckles. Before turning away. Leaving Katelyn and Emersyn behind.

Shit is about to go down. I don't want to spoil anything but I have big plans for the next few chapters.

Another one😏

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