Chapter Thirty-Nine.

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Honestly, I don't know where Idara is and I have a very bad feeling about all this.

She had told me to meet her by the path leading to the main football field and it's been ten minutes already and I still haven't seen her.

I had even called her number but it kept on ringing, I tried up to five times but I still got the same message; it rings but no answer.

The sun is so hot today, it feels like it'd roast my whole skin.

I went to stand under a tree, at least the shade from it will help me block out the sun.

I kept glancing at my watch...twenty minutes had passed.

I tried calling her again but this time it said her phone was switched off.

Idara's not the time to switch off her phone, especially on a Saturday.

Something's definitely wrong and I have to find out.

God, please, abeg make you keep Idara safe.

I need to find Kate, she would know where her best friend is.

I stood up to look for her, she must be out here somewhere.

I spotted her along the path leading to the generator house.

Why would she go there, and to do what?

That path leads to the boys hostel too, maybe she's going to meet someone?

But I still have to ask her a question.

I followed her and to my surprise she went into the generator house.

From her steps, she looked like one of those thieves I use to see in movies, sneaking around so that they wouldn't get caught, and the way she kept looking behind her, she appeared suspicious.

I have to find out what's going on, first, Idara said I should meet her, then her phone goes off and now, this. There is definitely something I don't know and I'm going to find out, one way or the other.

The door was locked, why's the door locked?

Kate was the last person who got in here so that means she's the one who locked it.

Then I heard screams, I peered in the keyhole.

You won't believe what I saw...someone was sitting in a chair and the person was tied up.

So this sort of thing happens in this school.

I heard another scream but this time it was Chika's name I heard and that sounded like...that sounded like Idara.

Oh God!

What if she's in trobule?

I won't be able to handle this alone. I have to tell Luke and the others, they are he only ones who would believe what I'm going to say.


It took a while for Ahmed to gather all of them but when he finally did, he narrated everything Idara had told him.

Of course they found it hard to believe at first, but they couldn't put all the blame on me, so they followed me.

As we approached the generator house, we heard a gunshot, that caught out attention and the attention of others around us.

It was coming from the generator house. 

I just hope that Chika of a girl hasn't done anything.

With the help of some boys we were able to break down the door and believe me, I would have never imagined in my wildest dreams the sight I'm seeing right now.

There's someone on the floor, covered in blood, I presume that the person laying there lifeless is a girl because of her body shape.

And then, the one which shook me to my core.

Chika was kneeling in front of an unconscious Idara, cutting and tearing her skin with a knife.

Before I could act, Luke was already pushing her away from his sister.

She Landes on the floor beside me.

It was like she was in her own trance, she didn't even notice when he pushed her.

Then it was like a bulb shone in front of her, she rubbed her eyes thinking she was seeing things.

Abeg jhoor, stand up.

“When...when did you guys get here?”

“How dare you do this to my sister and Kate?”


So she's the girl lying lifeless.

“Joshua, go call a staff member, anyone of them, Faith, go get some help.”

I bent down to take a good look at Kate, I don't believe she's dead, she can't die.

I checked her pulse, if was there but very faint.

Thank God!


He teared his eyes off from Chika who he was busy having a stare down with, he would have hit her, but he doesn't want to complicate matters, and he doesn't like touching girls.

“She's still alive, we could save her.”

He rushed to me and checked her pulse too. A look of relief washed through his features.

The others arrived with three staff members, to say they were shocked was an understatement, they were utterly terrified.

They took Chika away after I had explained what Idara had told me, what I overheard and the scene in front of us.

That nonesense babe go see something.

The rest assisted the nurses to take the girls to the school clinic to wait for the ambulance that had been called.

I just hope they'll be fine.


Idara's and Chika's parents had been called to the school, Kate's parents were out of the country but they said they'll come back as soon as possible.

Chika was finally suspended from the school and last I heard, she was arrested.

She got what she deserved.

And to believe that this all started with a stupid obsession.


I was able to update so early...

How are you all...I'm fine if you're wondering.

This chapter was hard to write.

Just one more chapter and we're done... phew, I've tried.

Chika's in jail though, who's happy?

And Kate, do you want her dead or alive?

John's been MIA, but don't worry, the next chapter *rubs palms together*

Thoughts, comments, votes ❤❤❤

Don't forget to share to your friends, it highly appreciated.

I'll be editing this once I'm done.

Till my next update,
Have a fun filled day.

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