The Capital

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"Y/n~ you're so cute when you're tired." Hisoka chuckled at my tired delirious state.

"Don't say that you'll make me laugh again." I tried holding in my laughter.

"I see, so when your tired you become very silly?" Illumi asked confused by my utter randomness.

"You could say that!" I broke out in laughter and fell to the floor. "Though it doesn't help that the trees look so funny!" I was a giggling puddle on the floor.

"Strange, also kind of cute." Illumi smiled ever so slightly to himself.

"You know what's a weird word? Bubbles!" I could barely breath with how hard I was laughing. Hisoka and Illumi just watched me confused.

"Come on we should keep walking if we want to get to the capital by morning. You can sleep while we walk." Illumi picked me up bridal style.

I calmed down a bit from my laughing fit. I had never noticed how gentle Illumi could be, sometimes it's hard to remember he's a human being with emotions just like everyone else, but he was treated very differently growing up which forged the Illumi we have today.

I didn't even notice I had started playing with Illumi's hair until he hummed. "Sorry I guess it just looked really soft." I apologized and put his hair down.

"It's alright, you can keep going if you want." Illumi's eyes were so pretty, they seemed empty but not in a sad way, instead in a mysterious hypnotizing way.

"Sure." Was all I could say as I picked his hair back up starting to play with it again.

"Your touch is always soft and gentle y/n, it leaves everyone wanting more." Illumi said looking straight forward continuing walking.

"Thank you Illumi. We should do this more often, it's very calming being in your presence and playing with your hair." I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I would like that." His voice was monotone as usual but it was so soft and caring at the same time. I fell asleep after that.

I awoke to the sun coming up, Illumi had carried me all night to the capital. "Good morning." Illumi looked down at me as the capital came into view, we were still a few miles away from it.

"Good morning Illumi! Thank you for carrying me." I smiled at the raven haired man.

"Did you sleep well?" Illumi asked as he still continued walking.

"I did! I had a dream about flying weightlessly through the clouds." I loved flying dreams they made me feel so free.

"That sounds nice." Illumi nodded thinking about it. "I'm glad you slept well."

"Y/n do you want me to carry you now? So Illumi can take a break~" Hisoka asked smiling.

"Actually I can walk from here, I don't want to tire either of you out." Illumi put me down gently on the dirt road.

"Thanks again for carrying me." I hugged Illumi thanking him for the kind gesture he didn't have to do.

"You're welcome." Was all he said as he stood there letting me hug him.

"Now I feel left out~" Hisoka teased.

"You can have one too!" I laughed hugging him too. "I'm so happy you guys kidnapped me." I nuzzled into Hisoka's chest enjoying his embrace as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I'm glad we kidnapped you too~" Hisoka chuckled slightly.

"Oh yeah!" I pulled away from Hisoka to face both the boys. "Why are we going to the capital?"

Unfortunate Circumstances Hisoka x reader x IllumiWhere stories live. Discover now