Getting To Know The Boys Better

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"Y/n, wake up we're leaving town today and you need to get ready." Illumi gently shook me awake.

"Mmm, I don't want to get up yet." I snuggled deeper into my pillow.

"Y/n it's eleven it's time to get up." Illumi took my blankets off of me making me groan.

"It's too cold!" I protested reaching for my blankets.

Illumi sighed and picked me up effortlessly. "It's time to go so get ready." He sat me down at the small table the hotel room had. "I'll get you some breakfast." Illumi walked out of the room.

"Still cold?" Hisoka asked as he hugged me from behind.

"No, I'm just being stubborn." I answered yawning.

"Good~ I like your stubbornness." Hisoka buried his head into my neck sighing contently.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked placing my hand on his head stroking his hair.

"I did~" he raised his head slightly to look at me in the eyes. "You're so sweet~ you know that right?"

"So I've been told, honestly I don't agree. I've done some pretty nasty things before." I rested my head on his looking out the window.

"Nonsense! You couldn't do anything wrong in my eyes~" His debonair words made me smile.

"I feel the same way with you two guys." Hisoka smiled and kissed my cheek before standing up and going into the bathroom.

I was left sitting there thinking for a while. What was I feeling towards these two boys? Is this how normal friendships are? Do normal friends cuddle and kiss each other? Why does it matter if we're a normal friend group? We're all unique and bring different attributes to the table, plus we all enjoy being around each other so why does it matter if it's normal?

"I brought breakfast." Illumi said walking into the room and placing it in front of me. It was bacon and eggs.

I smiled at his kind actions. "Thanks Illumi!" I thanked him and started eating.

"Of course." He nodded and sat down across the table. "Are you happy that we are leaving this town?"

I nodded vigorously with food in my mouth, I swallowed and answered. "Absolutely! Why wouldn't I be glad we're leaving this stupid town?"

"I'm not sure." He answered honestly and stood up to walk over to me. "Can I have a hug?" He asked innocently.

My eyes lit up as I put my fork down. "Of course!" I jumped up into his arms hugging him as I giggled. "Any particular reason?"

"No just needed one." He responded tightening his grip around me.

"Ok." I nuzzled my face into his neck. "I'm not complaining!"

I remained in his arms for some time. "Would you be mad with me if I told you something?" Illumi asked his monotonous voice sounded a bit sad.

"I don't think so." I backed up a little to look him in the eyes. "Do you need to tell me something?"

"Well I have been requested to go home soon, will you come with me?" I had to think about his words for a minute.

I took a deep breath and slowly released it. "Of course I will."

"Me too~" Hisoka gave Illumi a closed eye smile gently grabbing me from Illumi's arms. "We should do something before we go though."

"Like what?" I asked looking up at Hisoka.

"We should go to a park or something~" Hisoka answered.

"We could have a picnic too!" I smiled excited. "I can make sandwiches if we get the ingredients."

Unfortunate Circumstances Hisoka x reader x IllumiWhere stories live. Discover now