Chapter 4

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Ashley's POV

When I went into Catarina's house I couldn't believe I just kissed Niall! It was amazing I can't describe it. I couldn't wait for our next date, this one was so incredible I hope the next one is the the same or better.

"How was your kiss?" Catarina asked me.

"It was incredible! I can't describe it in words!" I answered.

"I totally ship Nashley." She said.

"Thanks" I said, "How was showing Louis your dog?"

"It was more than that." Catarina replied. "We kissed."

"I can't believe you kissed him already! That was our second date and that's when he kissed me. I can't believe you got the boy to kiss you on your first date!"

Well I actually can believe she already kissed him. Catarina was always better with boys than I was. I always like to be cautious with the boys I pick. If I fall in love it happens quickly, I can fall in love at the drop of a hat. But I usually end up getting hurt. Catarina can get any boy she wants, she's so pretty all the boys like her.

"Ya well, you know me." She said.

"Well I totally ship... Um.. Loutrina?" I said.

She laughed. "I like that, that will be our couple name for sure!" she said

We talked about everything that happened that night. What was going to happen on our next date(which is probably going to be a double date) what we're going to wear and everything. We finally went to sleep at like 5 in the morning and didn't wake up until noon. We got dressed, ate, and hung out for a long time. Then I finally went home when my mom came to Catarina's door saying it was time for dinner.

A couple of days later I heard the doorbell ring at about one o'clock. I answered the door and Niall was there with a box of chocolates and flowers.

"Happy one week anniversary!" He said.

I cant believe he did that it was so sweet! I went up gave him a hug and, I hesitated, and gave him a kiss. Then I said,

"I feel so bad I didn't get you anything."

"That's fine," Niall said. "I always like to spoil my girlfriend."

Did he just call me his girlfriend!

"Come in," I said.

We went down the hall to my room.

"Well this is my room. Nothing special." I said.

Then I noticed I still had all my One Direction posters still up! I can't believe I forgot to take the down! I was going to do that because I didn't want to look all stalkerish but whatever. I think Niall noticed that I had a lot of posters but I don't think he minds. He's probably used to having a lot of girls have his posters on their walls.

Niall's POV

The first thing I noticed when I walked into Ashley's room was her guitar(not her posters like she thinks, even though I find them very flattering). It looked like a very nice acoustic guitar and very expensive, during dinner I remember Ashley telling me that she paid for her guitar with her own money. It must have taken her at least a year to save up for it. I would have bought it for her if we were dating then, I really do like to spoil my girlfriends. I finally said,

"Do you play a lot?"

"What?" She said.

I pointed at her guitar.

"Oh ya I play almost everyday if I have time. It's so much fun and it relaxes me." She said.

"What's your favorite song to play?" I asked

"We'll I like to play a lot of your songs like Little Things and Nobody Compares, and Ed Sheeran's songs like Give Me Love and Lego House. but my favorite is Truly Madly Deeply. Would you like me to play it for you?" I said

"Yes." I replied.

She picked up her guitar. And started to play. She didn't sing.

"Why aren't you singing? Do you not know the words?" I asked.

"No I know the words by heart but I'm a terrible singer. You don't want to hear me sing." Ashley said.

"Come on you can't be that bad. In fact I bet you're great." I said.

"Well, okay I'll sing just for you." She said.

She started to play again. Then she started to sing,

"Am I asleep am I awake

Or somewhere inbetween..."

I started to smile. She had the voice of an angel. When she finished the song I think she noticed me smiling.

"What? Was I that bad that your laughing at me?" She asked

"No I would never laugh at you. You're incredible I can't believe you think you're a bad singer! You have the voice of an angel!" I exclaimed.

"You really think I'm that good?" She asked

"Yes, words can't even describe how good you are. You should record a song in Sony Music, you're that good."

"Thanks" she said, "but I'll never be that good in a million years."

"Well you're already that good." I said

I was going to kiss her, but I had an idea.

"You know what I should help you write a song." I said

"You'd do that. For me?" Ashley asked

"Of course I'll do anything for you." I replied

We started to talk about the tune and the guitar notes first. After she got that down, we started to talk about lyrics. She sang like an angel threw all the lyrics. We made the song a duet and we harmonized perfectly. By the end of the day we had a great song.

When we were done with the song we ate the chocolates I brought her. I ate most of them but she still had a lot. Paul ended up coming to her house to pick me up since I staid there to late. He got mad at me, but it was worth it.

Just as I left we got closer, and closer, and...

"Ahem," Paul said behind us.

"Well, way to kill the mood." I said to Paul. I said to Ashley, "Goodbye, I'll text you later about our double date with Louis and Catarina."

"Okay bye." She said.

She was going to say something else, but I'm not sure what because Paul dragged me away.

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