Part 10- The Final Battle

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A woman showed up and she looked at us and I saw who she is. She is Hanna, Molly's mom.
"How can my mom do this?"
"Moll I'm so sorry. People do things for a variety of reasons."
"I just don't know what happened Alli."
I left Mason and I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. I pulled away and said, "Moll the spell won't kill her it will transfer her power into an object."
She just nodded and I walked back over by Mason and he wrapped him arm around my waist and pulled me close. I smiled up at him and he kissed the top of my head.
"Okay guys, now we know who she is. I think I will be able to go over to her house and do the spell there."
"I will come with you Love. I am not letting you out of my sight."
"There is no talking you out of this right?"
"No. You are never going to leave my sight again."
"Fine. Moll, Mason and I will be going over to your house, and we will have Iz watch Jennifer at the Ghoast safe house. Alek, Cassie, and Caitlyn will surround the house from the front and Ethan, Jackson and Lucy will take the back. Mason and I will go in and stop her."
"What do I do?" asked Molly.
"You will stay behind. You are too close to this."
We all dispersed and headed to our places. Iz took Jennifer and everyone else headed to Molly's house. Mason and I walked up to the door and knocked. Hanna invited us in like nothing was wrong. I had the crystal ball in my bag and we talked for a bit. Then I nodded to Mason and he lunged across the table and grabbed Hanna's arms and pinned them behind her. I walked over and cut her upper arm and pressed the ball to it.
She turned to me and said, "I have known you since you were a child, why are you doing this to me?"
"I am trying to save innocent lives by stopping you."
She just spat and I started saying the words.
Great witches of old
Please hear my desire
Please contain this witch's power
In the crystal ball
So her spell will stop
Her from killing more innocent
Once again I knew the spell had worked. Hanna was now powerless. Somehow she managed to get a knife in her hands and then I yelled "Mason watch out!" just as she stabbed him right in the stomach. I ran over to him as he fell. I kneeled behind him and placed his head on my thighs and I pressed my hands to his wound. Then Caitlyn burst into the house and shot an arrow at Hanna and it hit her right in her heart. Then Cassie came in and she saw how bad Mason was and came over.
"Alli he is barely holding on."
I had tears streaming down my face and I half sobbed half whispered, "Please Cass, please save him. He is my whole world."
She placed her hands on his chest and healed him. She then concentrated on helping his heart produce more blood. About a half an hour later he groaned and shifted in my arms. I smiled and leaned down to kiss him. His eyes snapped open and he held my head in his soft hands.
"What happened?" He asked groggily.
"I hade Hanna human and then she stabbed you."
He tried to get up and I helped him. We slowly made it to the couch and everyone sat down. We had to tell Molly about her mom. She started crying, but she mostly stayed together. A few minutes later the sobs subsided and she just sat there. I leaned forward and Mason started drawing small circles on my lower back. Iz and Alek moved the body outside and everyone got up. Mason tried to walk on his own but I could tell he still needed to be a little supported. I grabbed his arm and supported a little of his weight so he could walk a little better. He looked down and half smiled at me. When we got outside Alek already dug the hole and Molly was saying her final goodbye. Jackson slowly lowered Hanna's body into the grave.

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