Part 5- Graduation and the Return of Toby

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Eight months and twenty-nine days later

We spent almost nine months waiting for the threat to come. Basically we were still waiting, but it wasn't the only thing on our minds. If you were wondering how Mason and I did during basketball season, then you must know that both teams were undefeated. Now we are all focusing on school and how we would graduate in a week. Today we were all planning a joint graduation party. We were making plans long into the night. Finally at one in the morning Mason dragged me downstairs into my room. We both quickly shed our clothes and I had a wicked thought cross into my mind. I knelt in front of Mason as he looked at me confused. I tentatively drew him into my mouth and slowly made love to him. Slowly I licked and kneaded him until he started shaking with anticipation and pleasure. He quickly drew himself out and swiftly picked me up. I threw my arms around his neck while he carried me to my bed. He wasted no time thrusting himself in me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and drew him further into me. I wound my hands in his hair as my mouth devoured his. He repeatedly thrust himself into me and then we collapsed on my bed breathing heavily and sweaty. I curled up next to him and placed my head on his shoulder.
"I love you Mason."
"I love you too. Come on let's get some sleep."
We woke up in the morning and went upstairs to find my mom bending over as if she was in an extreme amount of pain. I ran to her and asked what is going on.
She looked at me and said, "Honey, it is coming and going to be here in two weeks. Prepare for a battle."
With that she fell unconscious. We took her to the hospital and they said she was in a coma and the timing would be up to her. We spent a few days there and then we remembered what she said. We went home and Mason and I went down into my room and started doing research. I was lying on my bed and Mason was sprawled on a chair fast asleep. Then suddenly I got the urge to throw up and I ran into the bathroom. Mason must have woken up and grabbed a washcloth and dampened it and pressed it to my forehead as he held my hair back. Since Lucy finally mastered the ability to have any of her wolf come out at will Mason called her down. She had me stand up and Mason was there with his arm around my waist and held me close while she pressed her ear to my abdomen.
She looked up and said, "Ali I heard a second heartbeat inside you. Congratulations guys you are pregnant."
Mason and I looked at each other and we both got really happy, and then we remembered about what my mother said and dread filled our gazes.
"Guys what's wrong?"
"Luce my mom told me that the threat that we are supposed to battle is coming in two weeks and there is no way in hell that Romeo over here will let me go out there like this."
"I have a perfectly normal reaction for what is happening Allison. I am supposed to protect you."
"Guys I am just going to leave and let you discuss this together."
We didn't even notice as Lucy left.
"Look Mason I know that you would want me to stay here and be safe and I would under different circumstances, but I can't let you and my friends go off and possibly get killed. Also I cannot be away from you. I hurts too much to even think about it. I'm sorry, but I am not going to stay here. Plus like you said if you get killed out there then no matter what I would be an empty shell of a person, so if we were to go down I want to go down fighting."
"At least you will be alive!"
"Fine, but you never leave my side. Got it?"
I nodded and went over and hugged him. He placed his hands on my stomach and said, "I can't believe our love created this little life."
I smiled as I placed my hand over his and pressed my forehead to his.
Every morning for the next two weeks I was in the bathroom vomiting. Mason was there either holding my hair back or making toast. It was the only food I could keep down in the morning. He was my rock. He wasn't freaked out or at least he wasn't showing it. I am so glad that he is my equal. He never complained about what I ask him to get if I am craving something. He would go straight to the store and pick it up for me. Anyways we also prepared for whatever was coming. Cassie will be able to heal us if we were to get injured. We were all sitting by the fire, and Mason had his arm around me and I was leaning on his chest. He moved his extra hand and rested it on my stomach and I nuzzled closer to him. He quickly removed his hand and looked shocked.
"Mason what is it?"
"It's you Allison."
"What do you mean?"
"You're starting to show Love."
"It's way too early for that."
"It is possible if the baby were to be like me. I don't know why, but Ghoasts grow faster. Most likely he or she will be a Ghoast or mostly one."
"Oh okay. Well good to know then."
That night we fell asleep on the couch. In the morning I awoke to a sound outside of the house. I quietly got up and found that Mason was still asleep. I went and investigated what the noise was. I saw Toby standing on the porch.

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