Part 2- The Love Story

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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. I got up and showered and changed into some school clothes and left the house to meet up with my friends at the coffee shop. When I got there I realized that I was the last one to arrive. I ordered my usual strawberry and banana smoothie and sat down with my friends. As expected they were talking about Mason. Well here goes nothing. I told my friends everything my mom told me and they just sat there slack jawed and wide eyed. Finally Lucy was the first one to talk. "How is this possible? All of this stuff doesn't exist."
I looked at her and said, "When have I ever lied to you guys and why would I lie about this? It is way too elaborate."
Speak of the devil. Mason walked into the coffee shop and ordered. When he got his order he spotted us and walked over. He asked me, "How do you feel about having our afternoon after school today? Also can I have your number so I can text you with the details?" Before I could even react Cassie had my number written out and was handing it to him. He grinned and said, "See you in gym, partner." Then he was gone.
During the day I got the text from Mason. Looks like we will be taking a walk throughout the woods behind where Mason is staying. Now the only class I have left is Gym. Coach Jones said, "Two on two basketball games today. Grab a partner."
Mason walked up and said, "Hey there partner. Don't worry I have played some basketball before." I just glared at him and walked over to find out who we were playing. Mason doesn't know that I have been playing basketball since I was five. Also I have been on the varsity team since I was in seventh grade. He has no idea what I can do. This is going to be so easy. I am in my zone. I just grinned to myself at that thought. I heard that we would be playing Alex and Jackson. This is going to be so easy. I have already played them with another girl on the team and we whooped their asses. If Mason has half of the amount of talent has says he does then we will defiantly whoop their asses. Mason and I met up with them at a hoop. Alex and Jackson started with the ball. I decided that I would guard Alex and Mason would guard Jackson. Alex started showing off because I was there and I easily stole the ball from him and shot an easy three pointer. Mason looked shocked and I just smiled sweetly. Jackson got the ball and managed to get by Mason and I went and helped and when Jackson shot I blocked it and passed it to Mason and he shot and made it. Alex got the ball and faked and I actually fell for it and he went straight to the hoop and made a layup. I took the ball and Mason did a simple L-cut I passed the ball to him and I screened for him. He moved and I went down for a three point baseline shot. He passed the ball and I shot and swooshed it. At the end Mason and I won and he came over to me afterwards and asked, "I'm sorry that I miss judged you. How did you get to be able to play like that?"
"I have been playing on the varsity team since seventh grade." He just looked shocked at my revelation. I looked at him and said, "What? You think that if a girl is good looking that they aren't good at sports? Well I just proved you wrong buddy."
He shook himself out of it and said, "Back in California beautiful girls like you just like to lay in the sun and shop. I am not used to the idea and good looking girls playing sports and are really good at it."
"Now you know that a girl can be good looking and be good at sports."
"Duly noted."
After gym I met up with my friends and told them that I wouldn't be able to hang with them later because I was going for a walk through the woods with Mason. They just nodded and said, "Good luck."
I drove home and told my mom where I will be and was giving Sammi a pat when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and Mason asked if I was ready to go. I nodded and we headed out. He drove to his house and we walked into the woods. As soon as we were far enough in the woods that I was sure no one could hear us I stopped and turned to Mason. I said, "Look I know everything. I know what you are. I know what I am, and I know what my friends are."
"Okay then. I didn't know that, but I'm glad you know. It makes things a lot less difficult."
"What do you mean?"
"When I take you back to California and take you as my equal of course."
"So you are positive that I am yours then."
"Yes you are mine."
"How do you know for sure?"
"I got a feeling in California and I came here. Also I feel this undeniable attraction to you. Do you?"
"Yeah, but when I first saw you I hated you."
"I think that's because we are different species. I heard it is not that common for Ghoasts to be able to be with any other species other than their own."
"Okay my mom didn't tell me that little fact."
"I'm sure she had a good reason. Anyway that's now why we came out here. I want you get to know me and I you."
"What do you want to know?"
"If it is not too much to ask why are you closed off towards men?"
"First last summer my dad passed away and every guy I know is super sympathetic or just wants to have sex with me. The other reason is that last year I fell in love with someone. Later he was run off the road and was killed instantly. To go with the memory Toby, I can't let my heart be shattered again. I won't be able to handle it. If I give it away again it can't be shattered again."
"I will never leave you and I will never stop loving you. Never forget that. We were made for each other. It is impossible to even lay a hand against you. It is against my nature to cause you harm. Also I'm so sorry Allison. No one should ever have to go through that in a lifetime."
"Thanks Mason that really means a lot. Also I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I shouldn't have judged you right away."
"It's totally okay. I have a lot of people judging me already. You just didn't know that there was something deeper and undeniable between us."
"Well I do now and that's all that counts. I really don't deserve you, and I probably never will."
Mason walked up so close his chest was hitting mine as he breathed. He looked at me and said, "Allison don't you ever say that to anyone. If anything I don't deserve an amazing, beautiful, and talented woman such as you."
He leaned in and we kissed. Kissing him was like nothing I have felt before. I totally forgot about Toby and my dad. I forgot that my heart was still on the mend. All that I cared about was that this felt right. I wrapped my arms around Mason's neck and wound my hands in his hair. I started to forget about everything and the only thing that was real was Mason. He pulled away and it took me a minute to regain my composure.
"Why did you pull away? Do you not want to kiss me anymore?"
"Hell no Allison. I never want to stop, but I have to be a gentleman and I couldn't let that go any further than I had planned. I could tell that both of us wanted it to go further. Let's just continue our walk and get to know each other more. Is that okay with you?"
"Yeah that's okay."
"I believe it is your turn to ask the question."
He took my hand and we started walking again. The woods are so beautiful.
"That is your favorite movie and TV show?"
"I don't have one. I have many. They are the X-Men movies and my TV show is Criminal Minds."
As he said that I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud.
"Why are you laughing at me?"
"I am laughing because I didn't peg you as a nerd who watched X-Men movies and who watched crime shows."
"Guilty as charged, and between us I am a bit of a nerd. I usually get perfect grades on everything and I read comic books also. So how about you what is your favorite movie and TV show?"
"The movie is Sleepy Hollow and TV show is Teen Wolf."
"Why is that?"
"Well I love horror movies and with Teen Wolf it is simple there are hot shirtless guys in it. What isn't there to like."
"Haha fair enough. I get it. Totally random question for you."
"Yeah what is it?"
"When are basketball tryouts?"
"Um the girls' team is a month from tomorrow and the boys' team is a month from Friday. Why do you ask?"
"I want to join the team."
"Well then we have work to do then."
"Wait why is that?"
"Because I have to help you be good enough to be able to make the team then buddy and I know exactly what they are looking for. With my help you might have a chance."
"Okay then when do we start?"
"Right now."
Earlier as we were driving here I saw that Mason had a full court basketball set up. I had him doing sprints for about a half hour. I was thinking that he was tall enough to play center for the team so I had him start to perfect his defense. I tried to charge and I showed him the right way to fall with getting the least amount of injury. He needed no help with shooting so we only had to work on the defense. I pushed and pushed for a month. By Friday we were practicing in the gym and he blocked all of my shots and was able to just barley beat me down the court. Just as we were finishing the tryouts were going to begin. I went up on the bleachers to join my friends. We watched all of it and when it was over the team huddled together and announced who made the team. I couldn't hear and as they were packing up I ran over to Mason.
"Did you make the team?"
"Yes I am going to be their starting center. I only made the team because you pushed me and helped with everything. Thank you."
He picked me up and kissed me. I heard my friends gasp and I guess he heard because he just laughed and set me down.
"You have some explaining to do missy."
"Yeah I guess I do. You are still coming over to my house after you change to help with explaining everything to them?"
He nodded and I went back over to join my friends.

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