Sometimes Heed That Gut Feeling

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Ray Steele
There's times when you need to stay home and doggitt this is that day. First the alarm clock stopped working, then the toaster and three times is not the charm, my truck wouldn't respond. Today isn't my day. I called work and explained my predicament and of ourselves they decided it was funny. I guess so, since I haven't missed work in over ten years. Our new boss arrives today. I call to get a ride, but no one is home. All my friends are like me always on time and never misses a day. I decide to ride the bus today of all days. I get on the bus and see a nun, a very young nun at that. She could be my very young daughter. She has he head down and reading her bible holding her rosary in her hand. I mind my own business mostly. I make it to work in the nick of time. I noticed that the nun was still on the bus. I pray she isn't headed to the church at the end of the bus line. The area is unsafe for anyone.
Ana Steele
This is the first day at my assignment, I am told it is the hardest assignment in the city. One of the others novices told me that I must have made someone mad to get this assignment. Why would they think that at all. We are all Gods children and this is just another assignment. I start noticing odd things as I get closer to my assignment. The bus driver calls this is the last stop. I walk off the bus and he I will pray for your safety and good luck. Now I am really worried, God is on my side I think and walk what is a mile to the church. I notice spray painted letters all over the church. I enter and the father comes towards me and says come with me now. We have a problem and a female is needed.
Father Stevens??
I have been here waiting for our novice Nun to arrive. We have a rape victim and she will not let me near her. So when I see the novice arrive I tell her to come with me we have need of a female to assist us. Which sounded odd, but I really didn't think saying we have a rape victim. But sadly this rape victim is 7 years old.
I walk in and see a female child looks around 7 all battered up and clothes torn to shreds. She screams when she sees the father. I slowly approach her and hold my hand out to her. She grabs it and pulls me to her hugging me like I am her life line. I instruct the father to call her mother.
Father Stevens??
She doesn't have one and her father can't leave work. Right now you are all we have.
We need to get her to the ER and ask for females to examine her. I hold her in my arms and tell the father to get clothing and a blanket for her. He goes and is back in moments. I ask if he has a car to drive us to the ER.
Father Stevens ??
Yes but it's not great. Let's see if we can start it. If not we will get an ambulance as a last resort. We will get a policeman to drive us.
He gets the car started and I hold the girl who I don't know her name yet. She hasn't spoken yet. The father stops at the E R door and says he will be back later. What? He is leaving me here to handle this myself. I carry the scared child into the ER and suddenly I am surrounded . She is screaming as the males come close. I explain that she needs only females to care for her. They ask me all kinds of questions. I have to stop them and answer one question at a time. Finally they get us back into a room and A Dr Grey enters the room and speaks softly to both of us.
Dr Grey
I introduce myself and approach the child slowly I ask the nun her name and then the child. The child hasn't answered yet. I explain what I am doing to both of them. Unfortunately we have to do a rape kit on the poor child. Sister Ana tells me that this was her first assignment and her first day. She had just walked in and the father led her to the screaming child. I try to calm her,but she has bonded with sister Ana.
Sister Ana
I have no idea how to help her dr Grey.
Dr Grey
Just let her hug you and hug her back. Get her to let's us examine her if you can. We will take it one step at a time. Finally after three hours we have the kit done and the child I has been bathed and changed into a gown. Inter Ana hasn't left the girls side. I have contacted the father and he has told sister Ana to stay with the girl until she is better.
Sister Ana
How does he think I can stay with her u til she gets better.? Trauma like this doesn't go away it just lives in a dark place in your mind. Why do men think women get over being violated by someone so much stronger and heavier than them.
Dr Grey
I take it you understand the feelings she is going through.
Sister Ana
You could say that.
Dr Grey
We can get you a bed so you can sleep in here with her. Or if you have to leave we can get someone to check in on her.
Sister Ana
The father told me to stay I have to stay. Dr Grey leaves and someone rolls in a bed and hands me a blanket and a pillow and a gown. So now I am staying with a 7 year old rape victim. My life.

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