A Reality Check

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Ray Steele
Ana has no clue what kind of measures Hyde will go to get her alone. He has some questionable issues with this job and his previous jobs. All were involving female coworkers and two were bosses. He was asked to resign, no formal charges were filed. But Phillips is on the case and has filed a report against him in regards to him ordering Ana around. He has no authority over her. He did it in front of a large group of witnesses and she put him in his place. I have some to Ana about filing a restraining order gains him, but she has spoken with his boss and he has warned Hyde off of her,but so did the other bosses in his prior jobs.
If she thinks I am going to give up getting her alone she is sadly mistaken. I am mad as hell her boss reported me to my boss. He told me to leave detective Steele alone and now. He reminded me that I no longer have a case where she was involved in the investigations so I am to stay away from her completely. I explained I was still assigned to mrs Lincoln's case.
Public Defender Timmons Hyde's boss
You are kidding me right? You don't defend dead clients duh. Okay it's official Hyde you are off the Lincoln case now. You have a full docket go defend those folks. If I hear that you are bothering detective Steele again you are terminated immediately.
I go to get on the elevator to go to court and low and behold Steele is there alone reading. She hasn't noticed me yet, so I decide to make my move on her. I grab her by the throat and tell her just how it is going to be. I hit the stop button while she is fighting to breathe. I tell her she is nothing but a tease and I rip her blouse off ,I failed to notice where her knee is. She jams it into my crotch I grab her throat harder and she grabs her gun and I squeeze harder when she shoots me and I go down. You bitch.
Detective Steele
I start the elevator and dial 911, then call Phillips and let him know what has happened and where I am at. I dial ray and tell him to meet us at the ER. The doors open and someone picks me up off the floor and places their jacket around me. I am carried out of the elevator photos are being taken of the scene and my condition is noted and Hyde's bleeding body. I can't breathe, I fall into darkness.
Detective Phillips
I can't believe that prick, I just knew he was not going to leave her alone. But to try to rape her in a public elevator in the courthouse. I have him cuffed to the gurney as a precaution. The man is lucky to be alive. Ana is in critical condition. She stopped breathing and they trached and vented her. He nearly crushed her trachea. She will need to stay in the hospital until she heals. Hyde on the other hand is being charged with attempted rape and murder. He has not made any friend in prison. He lost cases he should have won, because of his laziness.
I watch as they take my only living relative to X-ray. She not breathing on her own her clothing was torn off her and a jacket is around her. I tell them who I am and to please save my niece. Dr Grey sees me and asks where Ana is at?
Dr Grey
Mr Steele where is Ana we are supposed to meet for lunch. He tells me a coworker attacked her and they have her in X-ray. I heard you tell the nurse you were detective Steele's uncle. I can check on her if you like?
Please, they have no idea at the desk.
Dr Grey
I see Ana coming from X ray and ask if she will be okay.
X-ray Tech Shelby
Well she got lucky there's just bruising and swelling and it should heal without surgery. I hope they caught the guy. We are taking her to room 330 ww now. She is allowed visitors.
Dr Grey
Me too.  Okay I will let her uncle know. I tell mr Steele he can see her and I follow him there and we go inside and detective Phillips is already there. They have changed her into the hospital gown. They have bagged her clothing and are already done with swabs and photos of her neck.
So she will get better right?
Dr Grey
She should be okay, barring no unforeseen complications.
Detective Phillips
That complication is in surgery to remove the bullet Ana put in him. Hyde did this Ray. His boss just laid him out and threatened termination if he didn't leave her alone. That worked out well. He will be charged and go on trial for this one. Will she wake up soon?
Dr Grey
They have put her in a coma so she will heal. So she will be monitored closely and they will need to X-ray her throat several times to assure it is healing. Well do either of you want lunch I can have it brought up for us.
Sure I could eat a bear.
Detective Phillips
Me too, I have to hang out ere until Hyde is out of surgery anyway.
Dr Grey
Food arrives by way of Taylor and Christian. I make the introductions and tell him about what happened to detective Steele.
I never really got to meet her officially with everything going on with the boys and the ambulance and dad and mom handling everything. She is quite beautiful even in this condition. I just caught a brief look at her as she was saying good bye to mom and dad. We eat our food and drink our beverages. I shake Mr. Steele's hand and the detectives hand and leave. Taylor says he will call Steele later to check up on Ana.
I served in the military with him and his brother.

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