Thea's Warnings

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I mean I believe in the Holy Spirit and all, but to have a conversation with my dead grandmother is awfully odd, scary and just weird. I am going crazy. Apparently this house has been in the Steele family since it was built over a hundred years ago. Theas tells me she was born in the house. Her mother's doctor had his office here and she ended up marrying his son after high school.
You must listen to me or Ray, you are meant to stop this serial killer. The child was meant to be saved by you. Listen to us and your heart. Everything you have done for this child will be remembered by her. It will pull her out of her living nightmare. I am betting you are thinking you are hallucinating and I am not real. I am here because I am meant to be. Ray will soon be a husband, and a father again. His fears of loving and losing his loved ones again is going to be tested. You must be ready for the challenges ahead of you physically. He's home.
I watch as she disappears from sight. Ray walks in and sees the look on my face.
You saw her didn't you? I can tell by the odd look on your face. Did she talk to you to?
Yes and yes. Your mother right?
Yes, she was born here and died here. She talks a lot, but she said you would be arriving. At first I just thought I was dreaming and then Amberlynn said things were being thrown away, important things to us. I always thought my moms appearance was because I missed her. Now I know she's here.
She's definitely here lol. She said I should listen to you and her.
Well I have some years on you and she has other abilities. Your father always said if anyone could come back as a ghost it would be our mother. So do you have any training self defense and weapons wise?
Not really.
Well you are going to need them now, from what mom has told me about you being in danger. Is that what she told you?
Yes, what is her name?
My name is Thea Amelia Steele any other questions? Both of you need to work together and get Ana strong, this guy hurts girls and women for the most part. He targets them and kills any witnesses. He's insane. I think the nuns habit threw him off and he didn't think straight because you interrupted him. He doesn't allow his victims to live after he has tortured them.
Dr Grey
CPS has not found out who the child is and they are at a loss at this point. No missing child reports for that area. The police tell us she is a witness and needs to be in protective custody. I have no idea what they will do at this point. I tell them a nun brought her in and could also be a witness. I explain that she is in hiding at this point. They suggest we put her in the children's psych ward. I tell them she is already traumatized and that would not be a safe place for her.
CPS Harriet Harrison
I can get her placed in a rural home. We have to make sure no one knows where she or the nun is at. Instead of Jane Doe give her a name and let me know it. The medical charts will different from the ones we use to place her to prevent anyone from locating her.
Dr Grey
There have been some reporters trying to get information. We threw them out and one was arrested. We have her records stating she's already discharged. We have her in a safe place.
Detective Aiden Phillips
I really hate these cases, at first we thought it was a simple sexual assault on a child. Oh no it turns out not only a murder, but a serial killer who is also a rapist and a pedophile. We have two live witnesses, this guy never leaves those. I have 2 uniformed officers to escort us to her foster home. CPS Harrison is in lead car with child, me behind her and the cops behind me. How more obvious can we be? Then I have to contact the nun, who is hidden out. Dr Grey has a way to contact her.
Foster family Jason and Gail Taylor
We are expecting a traumatized young child who can't speak. Jason says this will be tricky, he has dealt with victims who were mute after being attacked. Right now our home just has us in it. We have the children learn different things to put them at ease. We have a small farm, do we have animals as well. It is fenced in and a code is used to get in and out.
We have fostered since we married at 21 years old. We had friends who helped us become foster parents. We had been married a year we inherited the farm and money from our own foster parents. Gail and I married at 18 after we got our diplomas. Our foster parents got in a wreck and had no family, they left everything to us. We worked the farm with them when we were attending school. We were their last kids and we aged out of the system. Both our families were killed in car wrecks within weeks of each other. We were both 12 and none of our families would take us so they signed off us. They were dirt poor. So we were at the mercy of the state. We got lucky with Abner and Denise Johnson. I think because both of us were well raised they didn't have us placed with kids who were troubled.
We have had eight foster children most young some very troubled. We are usually very busy, but our last foster aged out on us. She learned how to cook with my help and is in culinary school and working at a high end restaurant now. Her parents went to prison for murder. We are getting a child that they don't know her name, so they are going to have her choose her name when she gets here. It might be her real name. She was given codes and different names to protect her from a serial killer.

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