Christy Crosses The Line

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Well should I attempt a bathroom trip, she seems preoccupied by those two guys.
Oh blonde stalker girl. You think she is going for a bathroom attack huh?
She's the type who will go after the date if she can't get to her target directly. And we are the targets now.
Well let's go. We pick up our purses and I notice Ana checks something in her purse.
I check my gun, cuffs, and badge and assure they are ready to go. I suspect this Christy is a possible danger to us. We head to the bathroom and out of the corner of my eye I see two big guys following covertly. I am hoping they are Christians security. I notice blonde get up and so does Katherine. I don't know what Kate knows about me yet.
I see Ana and whoever the blonde is heading to the bathroom so I get up and head that way as well. Time to get rid of the little brunette. Hell saying boo will most likely scare her off my target. I knew Elliott came to that place for lunch because I have friends who let me know where he is at. I bumped him on purpose. Then he asked for my number and then dinner for tonight. I heard he moves fast. But I had no idea we would be meeting my primary goal the same time. He has a date and seems infatuated you her. She called me on the staring at Christian and told me to stick to my own date. Hey she hasn't married Christian yet and even at that any man married or not is fair game and him being a billionaire makes him more fair game to me and a lot of others who marry for money. His looks and age make it even better and I have heard he is great in the sack. So I am going to be my bulky self.
Listen Kate if this all goes south let me handle it, Christy might get a bit violent and I don't want a civilian hurt if she does get violent okay?
A civilian, what are you a cop?
I am a detective I flash her my badge.
Wow you are very young for a detective aren't you?
Yes the youngest ever. Long story we have incoming stay in the stall and let me do this. Record it if you can, I suspect it is going to be my word against her type of thing. I walk out after flushing for effect and there she is standing glaring at me I open my purse and adjust everything just in case.
Listen you wanna be, Christian is mine and you need to get out of my way. I have worked hard to meet him and now that I have you aren't going to stop me from my goal.
I think he made his choice and it's not you. So unless you want a restraining order filed against you I suggest you stay away from me and Christian. I think we know what will happen if you don't. Now leave me alone will you. I start to move in position and she hits me and I grab her wrist and cuff them and sit her on the floor which is very clean. I wished it wasn't. I read her her rights and show her my badge and explain assaulting a law enforcement officer is worse than assault on the general public. I call for a pick up and give them the detail and I now have paperwork. Kate did you get all of that?
I sure did and it was good. Christy my name is Katherine Kavanagh and I just recorded everything we have video and sound. How is your face Ana?
I need a cold compress. Christy you will now be getting restraining orders from me, the Greys and the Kavanagh clans. My uncle can handle you, but stay away from him. He has good friends and they make your scary look like a children's story.
Taylor and the police arrive along with Christian and Elliott. The bathroom is outnumbered in the amount of men to women. They brought a female cop. Security was all over the place and Kate and I are getting a lot of attention from the Grey men. Christy is mad.she begged Elliott and Christian to help her. Kate plays the recording for them both. The police take her out in cuffs. They hand me mine back and take her out. Kate starts asking me how I became a detective at such a young age and I tell her to give me a call and I will tell her if she is really interested.
I look over Anas face and ask if she needs to go to the E R. She just says she needs to fill out paperwork and get photos of the injury for trial purposes. We head out and I drive her and Kate to the police headquarters to file reports and get restraining orders for all of us. Kate is a witness. Of course Elliott has a thing for Kate he has for a while, just kept his distance because of his age and hers. Ana and I are on,y about six years difference, but she is so mature you don't notice it. But she looks like a kid in age and size. I think Christy with her five foot nine inch height thought she had the upper hand, she found out differently. Ana allowed her to get a shot in and only cuffed her and put her in a sitting position on the floor. The video shows she is quick like a ninja. I asked Kate to send the video to me and Elliott. Taylor wanted it as well. I believe he is proud of her and he wants Ray to see how his niece can take care of herself.
I am mad as hell and yelling I am going to sue you all for this illegal arrest. You haven't read me my Miranda yet.
Policewoman Wright
That's funny because we have the video showing not only did detective Steele read you your rights, but it shows you being read them by me, and then we read them again before we got into the car. All were recorded and there were witnesses to all of them, got any other lies you want to tell us. You do know that was a detective you assaulted in the bathroom right? Youngest ever detective on any force. And don't get me started about her breaking ground for us women everywhere.

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