Felicity Bit Off Too Much

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Frankie reaches for his mother and I watch as Taylor speaks to Ana and then Christian.
Frankie needs changed and fed. Do they have a place inside to do that? We find Grace Grey and ask. She leads us to a makeshift nursery. Mias twins are asleep in there. They are dressed in little tuxes. Ethan helps me change a feed Frankie.
You aren't stalking Christian Grey are you? If you you should know something about Ana, she's a leading detective in Seattle. She carries a badge and guns. But I do know that Taylor wasn't talking to you about the weather. I also know you were fired from GEH and you are being evicted from a place Christian allowed you to live in until you got on your feet. So are you using me to break him and Ana up? If so you can leave now. If you are trying for a wealthy husband I am far from it. So you can again leave now. I have enough troubles without someone using me for any reason.
Good Lord these people definitely meet some pretty bad folks. But he is right on the money. The second I get a chance I am getting Christian alone.
I come to see the twins they are adorable and look it's the slut who is trying to break up Christian and Ana. I tell her listen you are being watched and if you attempt to start trouble with them today you will be behind bars and that boy will be in foster care. Rays watching you as well. After you leave here and move from Escala I suggest that you stop trying to get Christian alone ever again. I heard what you have been doing. GEH rumor mills, my friends tell me about you and the fact they have caught you in the acts. At least the parents stayed faithful to their spouses. But the single guy knew your reputation. But the parents got you fired for harassing them and their husbands. You don't come on to a gay males man. A dear friend of mine. Anyway I don't like or trust you.
I will do as I please and you and no one else can stop me. Now we are leaving. Come Ethan.Lets have fun.
Okay I think Frankie needs a nap. We should have put him in the other playpen. I will put him down for you.
Okay I think I will get something to eat and drink and be over there, I point at the table we were placed at.the family table of course. I notice there are several family tables and a few kids milling about. I look and see Christian holding Ana and chatting with an older man and woman. The couple is laughing at something Ana has said. Taylor is holding hands with  Gail. I don't see any security around. Christian is heading into the house and Ana has started talking to his mom and dad along with a few other people. She can't see me now, so I make my way to the house and find Christian in what looks like a study. I walk in and lock the door.
What the hell are you doing? I suggest strongly that you unlock and go back the way you came and have Ethan drive you home.
I hear the door unlock and Ana and Taylor are standing there and Ethan has Frankie in tow still asleep.
Time for you to leave Felicity. You have been plea ty of chances and now you need to go.
Wow you just don't learn, I wanted to be here until my sister leave and you made that impossible.
I can have security Take her home. By the way the eviction notice had a clause in it that you kept violating. It states that if at any time you violated the restraining orders against you that you would be evicted that day. Today's the day. Be out by midnight. That is straight from the couple you keep trying to break up.
Well said Taylor. Ryan can take you and Frankie to Escala to pack up. He will book a cheap hotel for you to move into and store the rest of the things until you find an apartment. You have traumatized my husband by your stalking. Thanks Taylor.
I wait while they get rid of the pest. Good Lord she can't take no for an answer. I am betting if we look further she probably has more restraining orders against her. We watch as Ryan takes her out quietly. Mom comes and gathers us along with the twins to see the brides and grooms off. Ana wants to kick her butt, but that wouldn't change the fact she's obsessed with breaking Ana and I up.
Ana has asked if she and Christian can't have something done in regards to Felicity Arvin more than five a restraining order against her. Apparently they originally were trying to help the girl and her a hike out. As soon as she met Christian she was all about breaking up Ana and Christian and went out of her way to be around him. She got hired at GEH and tried to break Mia and Robert up. Now she's dating Ethan to get invited to Kate's wedding. This is one very calculating person. Apparently her son belongs to Jack Hyde from him drugging her and her becoming pregnant. Something makes me think she's a liar. This situation is just too convenient and she stumble upon Ana to help her. And help her they have, more than they really should have or even deserves. I think I will have my own investigations started on her. I am betting she is working with Hyde and someone else, for what reasons who knows. They found Hyde guilty of the drug and rape of her, her son is definitely Jack Hyde's.

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