Kates Surprise

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I arrive home after a long day at work to a bawling Kate. I figured it was another issue with the wedding plans. Boy was I wrong. Well the dress will need let out to accommodate a bump. She is inconsolable, she just found out her shot was one of a bad lot. So we are expecting. Mom told me she suspected she might be after she lost it over her fork falling on the floor at dinner. She said she noticed a few other things she wouldn't normally get upset about. She said to just allow her to cry it out and support her all I am able to.
I have been bawling since I found out I am five weeks along, I got a birth control shot from a bad batch. I just thought my stress levels were causing me to be emotional and the weight gain. Grace recommended I see my GYN. After the fork I decided it might not hurt. So now my dress is not going ti fit me right. Four weeks before I get married. Everything is finally set, now my dress has to be adjusted or replaced. Elliott finally comes in during my crying jag. He comes and holds me and asks me to tell him what's wrong. He said his mom told him she thought I was pregnant. He says it will all work out fine, he is thrilled about the baby. You will be a mommy before Ana is. I laugh and hit his arm. We cuddle and he calls for my favorite foods to be delivered. All is well again.
Elliott called and thanked me for the heads up on Kate possibly being pregnant and to treat her with kid gloves and spoil her. She was given a birth control from a bad batch of shots. Her wedding dress no longer fits, so she will either have them tailor it to fit or buy a different one. I am thrilled about a new grand baby on the way. So far the only time we have seen Kate's family is in a public setting, like the Governors ball or things like that. They try to monopolize the bigwigs and Christians time. Otherwise Kate and Ethan rarely see them. Eamon and Cheryl aren't attending the wedding. The story is that Eamon and Cheryl had long standing plans on her wedding day. Carrick and Ray both offered to walk her down the aisle. Both are going to walk her down the aisle and stated they are proud to have the privilege.
I met a wonderful lady when I ran around the park recently. Felicity Arvin has a beautiful little boy named Frankie. We bumped into each other as we headed to our cars. We started talking a bit and out of the blue she gave me her number. She seemed to do it right after she heard my last name Kavanagh, she asked if I was related to Eamon Kavanagh. Of course I am, but I am not like him. She wrote her number down and address. I take it and think I will find out if she likes me for me or for my name. I will find out if she has an ulterior motive or not.
I have been given until the end f the year to find a place to live. I made a huge mistake by throwing myself at Christian once again. He was in the elevator and I cornered him, he grabbed my hands and moved me back and got off on another floor. The next day I got an eviction notice. He had me served with a restraining order and found me another job with a child care center out of GEH. Starting immediately. My replacement came in and I was escorted to HR and given a severance package. They explained everything to me as to the whys I was being terminated. There were complaints about my flirting with the men picking up their children. Three mentioned  my giving my number to them without asking for it. I just figured I could meet a wealthy man here. I guess their wives got wind of it and after the elevator was the last straw. So what if he was married now.
I got on the elevator and the slut is there acting all friendly and innocent. I turn and say you have a lot of nerve speaking to me at all. You can't seem to understand Christian Grey is mine and isn't looking at a replacement for me. You just don't know what I do for a living. I am a police Detective and from what Christian said I could arrest you for attempted sexual assault. You are lucky he only filed a restraining order at this point. Keep your hands of my husband.
He came on to me.
See that round thing in the ceiling it records everything that goes on in here. So tell me again how he came onto you. He showed me what happened, he knew you would lie to start trouble. And you did. My husband didn't become a billionaire by being stupid about people and their behavior. He read you like a cheap paperback. I recommend you get a place soon, because if you try again you will serve time and your son will have no one and foster care is not always a good family. I know.
I just got good news that our home is ready. I order furniture and have gal order what she wants in the kitchen and pantry. We also have them furnish their place as well. The caretakers have been getting the rooms ready rooms for our extra security. The caretakers have rules they have to abide by. I figure if we move to the new place Felicity won't try again. Ana says she is like a dog with a bone. She doesn't care if I am married.

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