A New Path

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Ray Steele
Come in, bring your things. I have a guest room if you need a place to stay. Do you need any money? Are you hungry? I can't cook, but there are things that I heat up. Let's eat first and talk.
I can't back to my living area and won't go back to the assignment again. So I am not going back to the order. I was a nun on her first assignment. A person who I thought was Father Stevens may or may not have been him. I am unsure of the facts. But whoever the man was led me to a young child who had been sexually assaulted and screamed every time the man came near her. He drove us to the ER and disappeared. I was told they found a dead male in the church. So they want me to hide out until they know anything for sure. The girl can't speak, so they have not gotten any answers. They have guards on her. They think I saved the child. We don't know her name yet.
Okay quick question we're on a bus three days ago?
I use the bus a lot. So yes.
I knew you looked familiar. We're you assigned to the church a mile from the end of the bus stops?
Yes and it was bad, the closer I got it became worse.
That little girl was lucky you walked in when you did who knows what the guy would have done other than what he had already. I am shocked he let you live.
I hadn't seen a dead body yet. Now that you mention it, it is rather odd. But I never saw the dead body. He took me to the girl and we got her to the ER.
I have a spare key here for you, I am trusting because you are or were a nun, please don't abuse my trust. I have to buy a car today, my old one is DAD(dead as doornail). This house makes odd noises so don't be worried. (Can't tell her mom died in the house and her spirit is still here, she would think me crazy as do I have). Make yourself at home, here is my extra phone, my numbers are in the contact list.
Okay, I will not abuse your trust. A car? Good luck on that, I need one as well. I had to sell mine because of the vow of poverty. But I guess that's a moot point now.
Okay need to go my friend just pulled up.(My girlfriend Amberlyn Ascott)
What took you so long to come out, you usually wait on the porch.
Long story, but you will meet my long lost niece tonight.
Niece? Really?
She was given my name and address and told to contact me if she was in trouble and she is definitely having big troubles.
You left her alone in the house? Have you explained about your others ghost yet?
She will find out, besides mom is a benevolent ghost, just a bit mischievous.
Oh right moving my birth control pills everyday, real mischievous. More like a ghost with a plan.
Hey at least her heart was in the right place. She wanted us together.
You even defend her now lol. We have a few years before I want children, a ghost deciding for me isn't real or funny. I thought you had been doing it until the week I stayed there when you were out of town. That's when I finally saw her. Walking around with my pills in her hand, I thought I was imagining things, but when the pills were thrown in the waste can. I looked and there they were in the waste can.
She wants us to have a baby lol. Me too, but let's tie the knot first ok.
Ok, set the time and day (he grimaces as usual), never mind.
I can't seem to commit to Amberlynn, I lost my wife and son to a serial killer who is yet to be found. At least they aren't haunting me. We ride quietly and come to her fathers dealership. An hour later I have a new pickup with four doors and extended bed. He knocked half of his commission off for me. He teases me about making an honest woman out of Amberlynn. We leave soon afterward.
Want me to come over and cook you a meal?
How about tomorrow? I am letting Ana get settled.
Ana is alone in the house and hears odd things. She also hears her name being called out. Her things are unpacked and she didn't unpack anything.
Ray was right this house makes noise, but my bag unpacked by itself us another matter. I head to the kitchen and I see her, she looks like Aunt Bea from the Andy Griffith re runs. She is opening and closing cabinets looking for something. She smile at me and says your dad has that same look. I shake my head to clear my head of this apparition.
Thea Steele (ghost)
Oh you aren't seeing things, I am talking to you as well. You look just like your father thank God. You weren't meant to stay a nun, you are meant for other things. You unfortunately will face some difficult and dangerous people soon. One who has used his position to acquire his victims. Belief that this will all a lesson for people that giving trust automatically is not a good thing at all. Just stick with what tells you to do and you will be safe.
Does Ray hear or see you?
Yes but he still thinks I am in his mind. He knows that things have sounds and this house seems to draw good ghosts. Moi for one. But his girlfriend has no doubt if my I am real, she knows I am.

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