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Sister Ana
I asked Father Stevens if the girls father is coming to the hospital or not?
Father Stevens
Sister Ana he has decided that she's better off without him. He feels he can't protect her.
Sister Ana
Can we at least get him to tell us her name? She hasn't spoken yet. Do you know her name?
Father Stevens
He used the confessional to tell me everything, I am not allowed to break the rules from the confessional.
Sister Ana
What do I do now?
Father Stevens
Stay with her until CPS gets there.
Sister Ana
Are you kidding me? Is there something I am missing Father?
Father Stevens
Do as you are told Ana. Stop asking questions I am not allowed to answer.
Dr Grey
So do we have her name yet?
Sister Ana
No and the Father said her father doesn't want her any longer. He refuses to tell me her name and he said the father won't allow him to tell us anything. The church is difficult when it comes to confessionals. Plus I have to stay here until CPS comes to take her.
Dr Grey
I am so sorry, we have to get her started in therapy then if her dad isn't going to come and get her.
Sister Ana
I was ordered to stay until CPS come. Can I do that still?
Dr Grey
I think it will okay. Has she spoken yet or not?
Sister Ana
Nothing so far, she's eating though which is a good thing.
Dr Grey
We are going to start therapy and we may ask you to leave and allow the session to go in without you. It will be a woman.

Outside the room Dr Phillips and dr Grey have a conversation about the child and they have their suspicions about who did this to the girl. They suspect Sister Ana may have walked in in the actual rape unknowingly. Dr grey and dr Phillips walk into the room.
Dr Phillips
I speak to the girl first and then Sister Ana. I am here to do a session with the child. I think it is best if  I was alone with her. I need you to leave.
Dr Grey
She will be fine with us Ana.
Sister Ana
Okay here is my number if you need me. I walk out of the room and head home by bus again.
Ray Steele
I see the novice nun get in the bus at the hospital and we sit quietly again. This time we are headed home.
Sister Ana
I feel useless and it saddens me. I am wondering some things. Why did the father not stay at the hospital. And something doesn't seem right. A 7 year old rape victim shows up at the church. The father seemed frantic about getting me to see the girl. As soon as she saw him she started screaming. All of this doesn't add up. I am taking father Stevens word in all of this. I have never met him in my life.
Ray Steele
She looks deep in thought, I hope all is okay.
Three hours later
Dr Grey
Hi is this sister Ana? I need to ask you something. The guy said he was father Stevens or did you assume he was?
Sister Ana
I saw the collar and assumed he was Father Stevens. He wasn't?
Dr Grey
No he wasn't, father Stevens was found dead, he had been murdered. The police need to have you try to ID the guy. We suspected whoever had you help get her calm and in here probably killed the father and raped the child. You are lucky to be alive. I don't understand why you are still alive. The cops do not want you to go back there until they say it is safe. Do you have someplace else to live?
Sister Ana
Not really.
Dr grey
Does this guy have your cell number now?
Sister Ana
Yes he does.
Dr Grey
Call and have the number changed now.then call and give me the new number.
Sister Ana
I spent an hour trying to get my number changed. I finally call dr Grey back. I give her the number and tell her I am in a hotel now.
Dr Grey
Okay do not  go back to the church and don't talk to anyone for now. I have your number and the police want to talk to you I will call you and let them talk to you that way. Right now you don't know what the guy might be up to. So stay put or come to the hospital and ask for security to bring you to me okay?
Sister Ana
Yes I will, I need clothes. So I am going to go shopping. So will I be safe doing that?
Dr Grey
I hope so. Hey I have to go, the girl is okay we have security outside her door now. You want to remember what the guy looked like and the car he drove you to the ER in.
Little Girl 3 days prior
I have just came out to walk to the bust stop, I am early and I only see a man. The man has a priest collar on, so he is safe. I didn't notice he was behind me, suddenly he covers my mouth and grabs me. He shoves me in the trunk of a car and closes the trunk. I am screaming but all the kids noise outside have drowned my screams out. I can't breathe from hyperventilating and finally black out. The guy finally opens the trunk,but tapes my mouth shut and covers me up and stuffs me into something. I feel carried and hear soft music. I finally feel air on my skin, but am being blindfolded. My feet and hands are tied to something. I feel my clothing ripped from my body and pain lots of pain. I have no idea what's happening to me. A while later I hear what sounds like a heavy door open. My arms and legs are undone and blindfold and tape are off. I am too scared to look. Suddenly I hear a female and male come to look at me. I am too scared to say anything but scream every time the guy comes near me. The woman has a nuns outfit on, she orders my capture around and he does what she says. I grab her and hold on for dear life. I am too scared to tell her this guy is not to be trusted. I am screaming each move he makes toward me. We finally get away when he drops us at the ER. I hold on and scream when the men come near me. I hear her say to have only women treat me. I don't want her to leave me. I am hugging her tightly. She stays by my side as they do things to me and I just nod to let them do what drs do. After all they heal people. A very kind dr comes in and I allow them to take further examinations and they use different things and tubes, q tips and other stuff they do to me they tell me but I am tired and just nod and hold the nun closer. She is my voice. She cares. I hug her tighter as they want to clean me up and take the clothing that is torn rags off me. I am finally washed, but not clean. Someone dirtied me and I am never going to be clean in my mind. I hug the nun tighter. She stays with me. The bring others in and then have chats away from us. I don't trust away chatting. The nun hugs and kisses my cheek and leaves. The dr holds my hand and she asks me stupid questions. Like do I understand. I see her three times a day, I can't speak and she's asking me odd questions. I finally write my answers. The nun hasn't came back. I am here alone. He could come back.
I can't do this, I put my habit away and dress in street attire. I look up my uncles address and go to see him for help. This has shaken me up. I can't go back being a nun after all that child has suffered. Ray Steele lives close by here.
Ray Steele
A knock startles me, I look out the peephole. It is a young woman st my door. She looks like my dead brother. I ask her what she wants.
Ana Steele
I am George's daughter, your niece. I was given your name and address and said that if I needed help you would try to help me. I need help.

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