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"Seriously, where the fuck is Justin?" I yelled as I walked up to the bleachers causing everyone to look at me. "Jesus Clay, how should we know, he lives with you rememeber?" Zach said taking a sip of his smoothie. "He hasn't come home in a week."

"Wow, Clay is actually caring about Justin, never thought I would see the day." Alex mumbled making me glare at him. "Fuck off Alex, I don't care, my parents have been looking for him. He wasn't supposed to be gone for this long." Jess looked up from her drink and frowned.

"Where was he going? And have you tried calling him?" "No shit Jessica, I totally didn't try that first. Just like i didn't try to go to every fucking hotel close to us that I could possibly think if. I didn't stay up all night waiting for him to climb in the window or some shit."

"I didn't text him this morning telling him I needed him to come back, yes Jess I didn't try all those boo hoo." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. "Come on Clay he's...gonna show up try to focus on something else." Ani held my shoulder and rubbed it as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Like what?" "The school dance tonight! All of us are going. Hey, and maybe he might be home when you get there or he might show up at the dance." "Justin will not attend a dance without a date and by date I mean Jessica." Zach said laughing.

"Hopefully he does come, I was gonna try and talk to him last week about getting back together..." "Well congrats on that Jessica, I'll see you all later, I have a dance to get ready for apparently." I smiled before walking off.


"Wow Clay, i'm kind of hurt that you actually fell for someone that isn't me. Or are you pretending that it is me." Hannah whispered in my ear making me shiver. "You're dead and still have nothing better to do? No ghosts friends?" I smirked while fixing my tie.

"Helmet, that hurt me you know? You would never hurt me. They changed you didn't they?" "Nope i'm still the same Helmet you fell for Hannah. I just learned to stand up for myself more, you could've used some if that confidence though."

"Oh, Badass Clay I like it." I smiled before leaving the room and heading downstairs. Before I could head out my parents stopped me. "Wait Clay, a picture." My mom said before pulling her camera out and taking a coupke pictures. "I wish Justin could've been taking them with you right now." She looked down and sighed before looking back up.

"Okay go your ride is out there! Have fun, and don't drink much. Oh and Condoms Clay!" She yelled at me while I walked up to Tony's car. "Please pull off already man or she's gonna find a million other things to yell about. I said rolling my eyes and he laughed.

When we got there we walked right up to the group and begin to have a conversation on very much nothings. After a while we all stopped and looked at Jessica, she was staring around the room like she had lost a earring in mid air. "Are you looking for someone?" Ani finally spoke breaking the silence. "No, I just I—no, I guess not." She sighed before walking onto the dance floor with Ani.

A slow song started to play and me and Zach walked away to get a drink of punch. "So no slow dancing for you huh?" He asked before taking a sip of his punch. "Naw, it's not my kind of—" "Dude that's Justin." Zach said cuttung him off and pointing towards the gym doors. And he was right it was Justin, dressed up in a white suit.

We watched as Justin walked up to Jessica and pulled her into a hug. When Justin began to come their way I walked away and left the gym room to head to the bathroom, being followed by Justin of course. When I made it to the bathroom I went straight to the sink and washed my face off.

"Clay..." I turned and looked at Justin. He frowned before holding his arms out for a hug but I turned him down. He put his arms down and bit his lip before he started to talk again. "I- i'm sorry...I should have came back, I wanted to give you your space." "No, fuck you Justin. I never asked for space, I never told you to leave."

"Yeah? Well you didn't stop me neither." "That's because i'm selfish as fuck everybody knows that...and where the fuck did you go Justin?" "What are you talking about? I went to that hotel close to our house, I told you that." "No you didn't go there I went there and they said you never checked in so, where did you go?"

"Why were you checking the hotel?" "Why did you lie? And where did you go?" "Jensen...i'm sorry. I had went to see my mom but I left before that asshole could get there, it was to dark so I didn't fell like walking all the way back so I stayed on the street that night."

"That night? But they said you never checked in..." "Yeah well maybe I stayed on the streets longer than I thought." He mumbled and put his hands in his pockets. "What the fuck Justin." "I'm used to the streets Clay." "No fuck that, I worked my ass off helping you off the street just for you to run away back to it?!" I yelled making him put his head down.

"Are you using again?" He looked up and glanced at me. "Clay..." "Are you fucking using again?" "Come on Jensen." "We're you selling yourself on the streets for drugs AGAIN?" "Oh my fucking god Clay, yes, yes I did. Yes i'm using again. What did you expect?"

"Then why are you here? Go back to the streets Justin if that's what you want." "I came back because you needed me back and i'm gonna stay, for you, and your parents, they helped me to and I should be thankful for that. Even though I got grounded before I got here but I should've saw that coming." He said laughing as I watched him whip his tears away.

"I also told them about me using again, I'm gonna start rehab but other than that i'm good Clay, really, and i'm sorry. I'm gonna try...can I just please get that hug because I really need it." "Come on Clay dont be shy, hug him." I looked behind Justin and saw Hannah smiling. I pulled him into a hug and held onto him. 𝐷𝑎𝑚𝑛 he smelled good.

"When you were, 'yknow...did they hurt you?" I heard myself saying. I didn't know why I asked but I really wanted to know, I needed to know. "No, nothing I haven't delt with before, I promise." "Go ahead Clay do it." Hannah yelled at me making me roll my eyes and pull away from the hug.

I looked Justin in his eyes before smiling. "I missed you though Jensen." I got closer to him before pulling him into a kiss. I could feel him smiling before he decided to kiss me back. "I missed you more, now uh...come on." I walked out of the bathroom with hin following behind me.

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