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Clay and Justin made their way back into the gym room and sat at their table. "Welcome back man, we all missed you!" Zach called out patting Justin on the back. "I'm glad to be back." Justin smiled, a real smile this time not a forced one.
The boy was delighted to be back. Even though he's been feeling off these past few days but he wouldn't tell Clay that, he figured Clay worries about him enough and wouldn't wanna give him or his parents any more worries, he told himself that it would maybe just be a bug or quick flu and moved on.
"Hey...you alright?" Clay broke Justin out of his thought and looked at him. "Yeah I'm fine, wanna dance? Bro." "Sure bro." Justin chuckled as he pulled Clay by his hand and out of his chair. "You guys wait for us!" They heard Ani say as she grabbed Jessica's hand and onto the dance floor.
Clay and Justin, had ended up right beside the two girls as they danced. "See we don't need a man to come dance, we have each other." Ani explained to Jess as a smile formed. "You were right thank you, I needed this you're a great friend Ani." Jessica spoke confidently as she twirled the girl.
Justin slowly pulled Clay closer so that he was next to his ear, "She's in love with her." Justin whispered, receiving Clay's full attention. "What?" "Ani. She's in love with Jess." Justin repeated, Clay looked towards the girls and smiled. "How can you tell?"
"Look at how she looks at her Clay, I used to look at her like that. Jess is a very lovable person and she deserves the world. It's not hard to see if someone is in love with a person, especially when they aren't even trying to hide it. Like you, you were really in love with Hannah-"
"No. I'm not spending my night talking about Hannah, I can't." Clay interrupted Justin and walked back to his table. "Dude, you okay?" Alex asked Clay as he sat beside him.
"You're in love with Zach. Clay said catching Alex off guard, even he surprised himself after saying it. "Pssh, no I'm not we're friends." "It's fine Alex everyone knows, maybe not Zach because he's oblivious, but even Tony knows, and Jess." "Why? Are you all in love with I'm too?" Alex joked which made Clay laugh.
"Nope, he's all yours man, I'm gonna head out I'll see you tomorrow." "See you, Clay."