The Anger within

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3rd person POV

" Ok so before you learn how to fly you need to learn how to build up your energy from the bottom of your feet. So concentrate and feel your energy smoothly flowing down to your heels." Ethan explained.

"Wait when you say concentrate and feel your energy through your feet, you mean figuratively right?" Nadia asked. " No, I mean literally...I know you have always felt like you aren't like others its because you and I have stronger energy than humans, it's kind of the same way on how you can sense whether or not someone's energy is pure or not." Ethan explained patiently.

"Oh ok I'll try it," Nadia replied as she closed her eyes and concentrated as best as she could. After a couple of seconds, she could feel and see blue energy flowing through her body, she then tried to focus on moving her energy to her feet. She stayed like this for almost 20 minutes before she started to feel her energy begin to weakly move down into her heels.

"I think I'm starting to get it." she thought to herself excitedly. And just like that, her concentration was broken from the sound of Ethan's door creaking slightly. "Aww man, I almost had it," Nadia stated as she opened her eyes to see Kai poking his head out of the door.

"Ugh... kai buddy you know how long it took her to finally get to that point," Ethan stated slightly annoyed. "Oh...sorry but mommy was asking if you and Nadia wanted to eat dinner," Kai replied shyly. "Tell her I said thanks but no thanks we still have a long way to go plus Nadia's progress is moving at just about the same speed as a sloth," Ethan stated mockingly.

"What...well if it's SOO easy then why don't" Nadia barely able to finish her sentence for her mouth was now wide open for Ethan was already floating with ease. " Oh,... you mean like this." Ethan taunted. Next thing Nadia knew Ethan was flying all across his room with confidence as if it was as easy as blinking. "Ok ok I get it your a professional long did it take you to learn how to do that. A couple of days, weeks, or months?" Nadia asked with a curious tone.

"Hmm to be honest it only took me about an hour when I officially got the hang of it. Ethan stated as he recalled when he first flew at the age of 7. " H...How in the world did you figure this out on your own in an hour?" Nadia asked wondering if he really was telling the truth. "Not sure I just saw someone on tv fly and I wanted to do the same thing so next thing I knew I was flying within an hour, things have always just come really easy to me even when it comes to my school work I barely have to try and I can get almost perfect grades," Ethan explained.

"It's true it's true Ethan is sooo smart he even helps me with my homework when I get stuck on math, he's soo smart that he knows what ten plus fifteen is and mommy and daddy say its because he comes from a different planet and that that's also the reason he can fly and why he's super strong my big brother is a real superhero," Kai explained with such pride for his older brother.

Nadia was now smiling at how adorable kai was for thinking soo highly of Ethan. "I wouldn't go that far buddy I'm just lucky is all," Ethan stated as he started to lower himself back to the ground and mess up his little brother's blonde hair.

"That's more than just luck I think he has photographic memory if he was able to see that movie once before replicating the exact same thing within an hour." Nadia thought to herself before being brought back to reality by Ethan's talking. "Hello, are you listening to me?" Ethan asked.

"Huh...I'm sorry what did you say?" Nadia asked realizing she spaced out. "I asked if you wanted to bring dinner up here and eat," Ethan asked again with a slight impatience in his voice. "Oh I'm sorry... yes that sounds good," she replied before following Ethan and Kai downstairs to go get her food.

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