Aliens on Planet Earth👽

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Tasha heaved a sigh of relief as she finally found what she was looking for.
She had been searching an encyclopedia earnestly trying to figure out about Aiden and his family.

Aiden Mercury was her class mate in school. He was dubbed as the most handsome guy in school. All the girls crushed on him.

His eyes were deep blue in colour.

Whenever he got angry, his eyes turned into a beautiful shade of red and whenever he was sad, his eyes became as black as darkness.

Whenever he yawned, crystals fell off his eyes. He was also known as the crystal boy.
Some people called him Apollo because of his beautiful blue eyes, long golden hair.
Doctors diagnosis about his rare colour of hair was  waardenburg syndrome.
But Tasha chose not to believe that it was waardenburg syndrome because he didn't have any other symptoms.
But when asked by her friends why she said so, she didn't give them any reasonable reply.

Aiden's family were strange. His younger brother Kelvin had elf like ears. His elder sister Clara was very tall and her body was that of a man but only her face depicted that she was a woman. She didn't even have breasts but again doctors blamed it on genetics.

His mother Xena was an extremely beautiful woman with overly long hair but she had deep voice. His father Bob was a short man who looked like an elf.

Aiden was the only perfect person among them.
Tasha had not always been curious to know about the Mercury family but her curiousity arouse after an event that took place.
An event that she can never forget.

(January 15th 2020)
Tasha sat in the class looking at the teacher attentively. She didn't notice Aiden peering at her as if studying her.

Aiden looked at her as he wondered what kind of girl she was. Almost all the girls in New York City crushed on him and gushed over him except Tasha hills. He didn't know why. Some girls even went as far as breaking up with their boyfriends just to prove their love to him. He only slept with them and discarded them. He didn't want to be in a relationship with anyone.

Tasha had never spoken with him for once and he decided that he was going to stop that soon. He was going to confront her after the teacher left the class.

"Hi Tasha" he said as he took a seat close to her.
Tasha looked at him in shock. His tenon voice sounded very soft and melodious. Tasha couldn't exactly describe how his voice sounded. But whenever he spoke, the image of a fountain comes into her memory. Yes, his voice reminded her of that.

"Hi" Tasha replied shyly as she subconsciously shifted away from him.

"I notice that you have never spoken to me. You appear scared of me" Aiden said as he stared at her as if staring into her soul.

"Oh my God. How does he know?America's most handsome guy just talked to me? I can't believe this"Tasha thought in her mind.

"I'm not the most handsome guy in New York. My cousin Alpheus is definitely more handsome than me. So stop thinking that way" Aiden said as a soft smile appeared on his face

"How does he know what I'm thinking about? Does he have magical power?" Tasha wondered.

"I don't have magical power Tasha. It's a gift. Whenever I stare at someone's eye, I automatically know what they are thinking about. One eye contact, and I can peer into your soul." Aiden explained as Tasha tried not to think of anything as she also looked away from him even if she couldn't. She felt violated.

What if he was looking at her panties? She was wearing a lingerie and she had a boil on her butt. What if he saw it? Gosh she was so embarrassed.

"Relax Tasha. You think a lot. When I said see through your soul, I didn't mean I was looking at your body. Your body is different from your soul. Well I find it sexy that you are wearing a lingerie" Aiden said as he licked his lips.

"Leave me alone" Tasha said angrily as she walked briskly away from him after grabbing her school bag. She felt angry that he had been able to see that she was also one of his crush. She was sure that he was glad.

She walked so briskly that she didn't hear the horn of an incoming train as she was on a rail track. She was sure that she was going to die but she felt as if a force carried her and flew away dropping her softly on the road where it was safe.

"Aiden?" She gasped in shock. His pupils were white in colour and he appeared taller than usual.

"How did you? How did you? You fly? wings?" She stuttered.

"I didn't fly Tasha. Calm down. I just pulled you off the rail" Aiden replied.

"No you are lying!You are a wizard" Tasha said as the realization of what he said dawned on her and she did what is expected of a normal human. She ran.

(Present day)

Tasha had finally found a logical explanation. Aiden wasn't a wizard. He was an Alien and he came from Mercury.
Whenever there was sun, Aiden never sweated. Instead, he enjoyed it. Now she knew that this was because he and his family were from Mercury.
What made her belief right was Aiden's last word in class before he and his family mysteriously disappeared.
"Mercury is nearest to the sun but it's cool." and he once said "I can't inherit the earth"
Aiden and his family were aliens on Earth she concluded as she sighed.


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