A God or Goddess
Divine character or nature, especially that of the Surpreme Being; Divinity
The estate or rank of a god
A person or thing revered as a god or goddess
The Deity, God; Supreme Being
Constituting a beginning; giving origin to something derived or developed; original; elementary
Pertaining to or existing at or from the very beginning
The fact of existing; existence (as opposed to nonexistence)
Conscious, mortal existence; life
Substance or nature
Something that exists
A living thing
Primordial Beings/Deities are things such as Nyx, Phobos, Deimos, Order, Chaos, and Nonexistence. They've been around since the beginning and all other things spawned from too much or too little of them.
Deities typically are powerful ideals that tie all living beings together, Destiny, Fate, Karma, Time, Space. They are the reason other beings exist, without them, you do not have a creature worth caring for.
Primordials are lesser deities, ironically, and they typically are Magic, Memories, Feelings, Love. These are things most everyone can agree is a universal part of living and as such, these primordials, while weaker than their fellows, are just as old as others like them.
Gods are the next lowest and they all tend to hail from ReaperTale. Reaper/Death, Tori/Life, so forth and so on. These gods can be killed and can have demi children.
Demi-gods are children born from a Deity + a human or a God + a human.
There is one other sect of powerful beings, but they don't have an easy distinction. The closest they could be compared to would be unwiling Apostles, but with all the powers of their god.
Creators and Destroyers in each multiverse of the OmniVerse fit this bill. They have enough power to be a God on their own, but their godlike status only arose due to a Deity controlling them.
Destiny: There are only three definitions that really matter.
The predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible course of events
The power or agency that determines the course of events
This power personified or represented as a goddess.
Fate: Three definitions that matter.
The universal principle or ultimate agency by which the order of things is presumably prescribed; the decreed cause of events; time
That which is inevitably predetermined; destiny
Death, Destruction, or Ruin (I just found this a befitting definition given the circumstances.)
Karma: The cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.
Time: Time encapsulates Past, Present, Future, Finite, and Infinite. As long as there is time to pass, Time guards over it. (This includes manipulation of time)
Space: The unlimited or incalculably great three-dimensional realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur. (This includes manipulation of space.)

Wounds Heal, Scars Fade
FanfictionThe idea I created that spawned this book idea: Story idea: FGOD Book centered around "Wounds Heal, Scars Fade" with some sort of fun naming scheme. The plot is that finally some dumb dumb checks Error's soul, and the truth is revealed. But things a...