Chapter 7: Sins Are Crawling

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Ink sighs sadly.

"Damnit." Ink mutters softly, catching the attention of the small child.

"!s s0m3th!ng wr0ng?" (Is something wrong?) Error tilts his head, looking at Ink's slightly frustrated face.

"I reacted in haste and left my vials. My feelings will begin to fade soon, but I'm worried that my emotionless form will scare you."

"!t'll b3 r34ss#r!ng t0 m3." (It'll be reassuring to me.)


"!t'll r3m!nd m3 th4t Th3y c4n't c0ntr0l y0u l!k3 th3y c4n m3." (It'll remind me that They can't control you like they can me.)

"I'm still not following, Error."

"N0 s0#l 3q#4ls n0 c0ntr0l." (No soul equals no control.) Ink nods slowly, sighing.

"Error...can I do something real fast? I need to see some information." Error nods innocently, completely trusting Ink. Ink summons Error's soul and *Checks the child.

*Error Sans

*The Forced God Of Destruction

*Originally from TimeVerse

*?? ATK ?? DEF 0.000000001/1 HP 2/100 MAG (Magic)

*Just be aware I will be listing Error's Phobias in the next section so trigger warning? Some of these are lesser while others are more, but to some extent all these things can trigger his stress, his glitches, and in some extreme cases a reboot or even trigger a violent reaction. Some of these can be easily overcome (Colors simply by desensitizing Error to the colors, so forth), but others are more deeply ingrained into him (Haphephobia.)

*Phobias: Agoraphobia (Open Places), Enochlophobia (Crowds), Aichmophobia (Sharp or pointed objects like needles or knives), Trypanphobia (Injections/Needles), Algophobia (Pain), Aquaphobia (Water), Autophobia (Isolation), Cherophobia (Happiness), Hedonophobia (Obtaining Pleasure), Chromophobia (Colors) (This one is less severe compared to the others and Ink tends to make his meeting rooms look brown which isn't a color which triggers Error), Claustrophobia (Enclosed Spaces or a Lack of an Exit), Haphephobia (Touch), Hypno/Somniphobia (Sleep/Nightmares), Melanophobia (Black), Neophobia (Newness, Novelty, Change, or Progress), Oneirophobia (Dreams), Scopophobia (Looked at or Stared At), Philophobia (Love), Phonophobia (Loud sounds or voices), Sociophobia (People or social situations), Thalassophobia (Sea or Ocean).

*PTSD, Social and Regular Anxiety, Negative Self-Thought Patterns

*Age: 13 I saw somewhere that TK is somewhere between 12-14 depending on the ideas surrounding him. (14 more mature curses and such and 12 more like the original idea of TK I guess so.

*Just wants to be accepted and no longer hurt.

Ink manages to hold in his ink barf, knowing his early actions attributed to some of the phobias.

"Error, can you tell me a little about your phobias? How you developed them, maybe?" Error nods, clearing his throat slightly before sitting down.

"This is g0nna tak3 a whil3."

"We have time." Error slowly nods, looking at his box.

"Ag0raph0bia is b3caus3 p30pl3 ambush3d m3 in 0p3n plac3s all th3 tim3, s0 I just 3xp3ct3d bad things fr0m 0p3n ar3as."


"3n0chl0ph0bia b3caus3 th3 ambush3s always had t0ns 0f p30pl3 wh0 want3d t0 hurt m3. Plus it w0rks in tand3m with an0th3r ph0bia lat3r d0wn th3 lin3."

"Aichm0ph0bia is du3 t0 R3ap3r." Error lifts his jacket and shirt, revealing a massive rotting hole in his chest.

"H3 did this t0 m3 0nc3 wh3n I 3nt3r3d his AU f0r a br3ak. B3caus3 it was his scyth3 that hit m3, this just n3v3r h3al3d."

"How long did you fight with that pain?" Error shrugs.

"It's b33n a f3w mill3nia 0f fighting y0u guys with this w0und. I just g0t us3d t0 th3 pain, numb t0 it all."

"Trypanph0bia is thanks 3xclusiv3ly t0 Nightmar3. H3 us3d n33dl3s and inj3ct3d m3 with awful stuff. That 0n3 tim3 I was in Und3rLust suck3d. S0m3 w3ird0 inj3ct3d m3 with s0m3thing that mad3 my b0n3s hurt, but I just gritt3d my t33th and did my j0b anyways. Th3y d0n't lik3 slack3rs. Slack3rs g3t hurt and ar3 still mad3 t0 d0 th3 j0b. B3tt3r t0 just stick it 0ut and f33l l3ss pain 0v3rall."

"Alg0ph0bia, I d0n't think y0u n33d my 3xplantati0n." Ink only stiffly nods, listening to Error rattle off the names of every Skeleton who needs to die, confessing their crimes to the only Sans in the entire multiverse he trusts.

"Aquaph0bia and a lat3r 0n3 d3v3l0p3d 0v3r a l0ng p3ri0d 0f diff3r3nt 0c3an bas3d AUs and Sans3s trying t0 dr0wn m3. Th3y fail3d, but I n3v3r want t0 t0uch wat3r, s0 mayb3 th3y succ33d3d. I dunn0."

"Aut0ph0bia d3v3l0p3d thanks t0 sp3nding all my tim3 in th3 Anti-V0id." Error looks down at the ground.

"I'm scar3d 0f b3ing happy and 0btaining pl3asur3...3v3n n0w..."

"M0ving 0n. Bright c0l0rs scar3 m3 b3caus3 Fr3sh tri3d t0 f0rc3fully mak3 m3 his h0st."

"What about me and my AUs and vials?"

"Y0ur 0utfit is br0wn, I d0n't mind th0s3 kinds 0f c0l0rs as l0ng as th3y ar3n't n30n 0r black. Y0ur vials scar3 m3 b3caus3 0f h0w y0u b3hav3 0n th3m. I'v3 s33n y0ur diff3r3nt vial 3m0ti0ns, I can gu3ss m0st 0f th3m n0w. As f0r AUs, m0st d0n't b0th3r m3. Th3 0n3s that d0, I av0id." Error begins fiddling with his fingers, picking at them and Ink silently opens a portal to Error's anti-void, pulling out a notebook and a package of worn down and used colored pencils. Error's eyelights brighten, the light dying instantly through no action of Ink's. Ink hands the items to their owner, who lights up again, and begins absentmindedly coloring.

"Claustr0ph0bia is caus3 th3r3 w3r3 a f3w p30pl3 wh0'd g3t cl0s3 t0 my fac3 0r try t0 trap m3 in a tight b0x. It wasn't fun that 0n3 tim3."

"What happened? If you don't mind sharing."

"Th3 b0x start3d crushing m3. It t00k w33ks t0 h3al that arm and l3g whil3 I had t0 d0 my j0b." Ink frowns, but does his best to school his emotions and facial expression as Error looks at Ink again.

"Hapheph0bia, T0uch. I f33l this is fairly straightf0rward and ti3s int0 my ph0bia 0f cr0wds."

"Hypn0/S0mniph0bia. Sl33p and/0r nightmar3s. I'm l3ss scar3d 0f sl33p and m0r3 w0rri3d ab0ut th3 nightmar3s I'd g3t. Plus Th3y d0n't want th3ir pupp3t r3sting fr0m his j0b."

"Melan0ph0bia. I m3nti0n3d this 3arli3r, but I'm scar3d 0f th3 c0l0r's w3ird, I kn0w." Error looks back at the notebook, frowning.

"Neophobia. Scared of new things, novelty, change, or progress. I suppose that this entire situation is pretty stressful and weird and fear-inducing." Error nods, and Ink studies the *Check box.

"Maybe we can take a break, do something normal."


"Steal Underfell's chocolate, watch stars, and draw?" Error smiles slightly.

"That s0unds nic3."

(1067 words.

I am aware the phobias may have been triggering. I left a warning, so you all were properly warned.

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