Chapter 2: The Anti-Void

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(There is some underhanded mentions of cutting interspersed, be careful.

The Anti-Void is a vast white wasteland. Anybody with the inability to teleport or communicate with others outside the Anti-Void would surely succumb to the powers of the Anti-Void.

The Anti-Void reaches into the minds of those trapped within and slowly breaks them. It forces the victims to relive things they don't remember, hallucinations torment the victims. Auditory voices speak with wrath and hatred, often funneled towards one particular victim of the Anti-Void's treatment. The Anti-Void will also hamper one's ability to use magic until they are sufficiently broken, leaving the trapped victims with no way to leave potentially violent memories or traumatic hallucinations.

In the midst of the white, there sits a skeleton who looks visibly different from all other skeletons as well as even the place he calls home.

His right eyesocket is half the size of his left. The eyelight within his right eyesocket is a pale white color, only vaguely perceptible much of the time. His left eyelight is an inner yellow ring and an outer light blue ring. Error signs and glitches cover his body, making him look distorted and like he's soon to fade from existence. He has blue streaks going from the bottom of his eyesockets down his cheeks all the way to the bottom of his skull, giving the appearance of an eternally crying skeleton. Most of his bones are black (the most perceptible being his skull and the palms of his hands) with his mouth and fingertips being yellow while his legs and the middle segments of his fingers being red. He wears black slippers, black shorts, red shirt, black light jacket with a blue hood and yellow strings and edges of pockets. Attached to each finger is a blue string which extends out as far as he desires it to.

This skeleton is known as Error Sans. And he is the supposed Destroyer.

Error sighs, slowly getting to his feet from his helpless sitting position. As he gets up, his bones creak painfully and groan, an audible snap sounding as they snap into place. Each bone is littered with hundreds of scars, both external and internal. Several sets of scars seem to be made with purposeful intent.

As Error gets fully to his feet, he shakes himself off slightly, feeling the particles of dust flake off his body, some even flaking off in clumps.

Error slowly goes to a resting position, looking up at the ceiling. Blue strings crisscross the entire ceiling holding onto a sea of red determination souls. He sighs softly.

He hates killing kids. It's the worst thing he has to do in performing his job as Destroyer of the Multiverse. He opens a portal to Underfell, stealing a bar of chocolate and closing the portal, slowly savoring the bar as he looks over his schedule, sighing softly.

His hour of Undernovella time keeps getting shrunk to keep up with Inky's creation sprees.

"!t's f!n3. !t's g0!ng t0 b3 f!n3. G3t thr0#gh th!s cr34t!0n spr33 4nd h3 sh0#ld s3ttl3 d0wn, r!ght?" (It's fine. It's going to be fine. Get through this creation spree and he should settle down, right?) Error mutters quietly to himself, studying the new timelines and AUs and copies, trying to make a choice.

If only there were someone who loved you or would help you~

Error freezes in place with his hand over a copy, ready to enter and destroy before They spoke up.

"Wh4t d0 y0# w4nt?" (What do you want?)

Aww~ I can't greet my favorite little puppet?~ Besides, you know you're all alone in here~

"D0n't n33d t0 h34r y0#r v0!c3. !'d pr3f3r b3!ng 4l0n3 t0 y0#r h0rr!bl3 v0!c3." (Don't need to hear your voice. I'd prefer being alone to your horrible voice.)

Hmph. You don't seem broken enough to me.

The second voice finally joins in, chilling Error. He knows what the punishment is for talking back to them. He knows he's supposed to play nice, but maybe he's having a bad day? Or a reminder of something. No matter the reason, they won't be nice.

Oh puppet!~You know what to say!~ Or else we'll let you feel the Anti-Void again~

Error sighs, swallowing his pride and kneeling down.

"4lm!ghty D3!t!3s, 4ll0w th!s h#mbl3 s3rv4nt t0 4p0l0g!z3, h3 f0rg0t h!s pl4c3, b#t h3 w0n't f0rg3t 4g4!n." (Almighty Deities, allow this humble servant to apologive, he forgot his place, but he won't forget again.) Error can feel the second voice calm down, the first one happier.

I suppose I can forget it if you destroy UnderNovella, UnderFell, or OuterTale~

Error feels anger rise within, knowing they're doing this to hurt him. He sighs.

"!'ll m4k3 s#r3 #nd3rN0v3ll4 !s g0n3 f0r g00d." (I'll make sure UnderNovella is gone for good.) The first voice lightens up and Error finally is allowed to stand, heading straight for UnderNovella's Original Timeline.

Error hates killing children. He blanks out as he stands across from the children of UnderNovella, coming to with blood on his hands and two limps bodies.

Error hates killing. He stands across from several strong monsters, twitching his eyesockets before pulling strings from his tear-stained cheeks and blanking on the fight.

Error hates his job. He opens the coding, and with a heavy heart, deletes UnderNovella Original from existence, all others going with it.

He opens a portal to his Anti-Void, silently noting Ink didn't appear like normal.

You are such an obedient little Destroyer, Error!~

Error hates the deities who control him.

I bet it hurts, knowing you have lost one of the only things that brings you happiness in your pathetic life, right?

Error does not respond, knowing they do not want him to answer.

Remember when we first brought him here?~ He was such a pain~

I remember we had to teach him many lessons. I'm glad all that hassle became worth it in the end.

Error sits down, quietly looking at the white floor, hoping they'll leave soon so he can do what he needs to do.

(999 words.

Yikes, right?

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