Chapter 3: Ink's Realization

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(More cutting hints so be warned

~A While Ago~

Ink furrows his brow, feeling a collection of art in a world of white.

"How odd." Ink sighs, opening an ink portal and stepping in to find several drawings depicting Error, a mysterious small skeleton, and two mysterious voices. Ink continues looking through all the things in the pile, finding a razor covered in dry blood. He stumbles back, hearing a portal open, knowing who that is, and running through his own portal and closing it.

~More Recent But Still Not Present~

"So that's why I want you to implement a small recording device that I can attach to Error that can catch video and audio." Sci sighs softly, looking across his devices.

"Ink, you are so lucky I made this a while ago. I was experimenting with remote nano recording devices. You can attach it to someone, preferably bone, and it'll latch onto and record everything, including what the person is seeing and hearing. Dream kinda commissioned me to make a device that could allow him to see what another was seeing, especially if that something wasn't visible for us." Ink is nearly giddy as Sci hands Ink the device. Right on cue, Error begins destroying an AU.

"Gotta go!" Ink opens a portal, appearing across from Error.

"Error! Hey...can we have a handshake before we fight?" Error jolts away when Ink offers his hand, Error's eyelights narrowing in suspicion.

"!f y0# 4r3 g0!ng t0 p0!s0n m3, !t w0n't w0rk." (If you are going to poison me, it won't work.) Ink frowns internally, but keeps the same smile as the nano tech rests in his gloved hand.

"No, I just want us to connect. We don't have to be enemies." Error seems to freeze at what Ink says, his eyelights brightening with HOPE before the HOPE is crushed.

"W3 D0 h4v3 t0 b3 3n3m!3s th0#gh. Fr!3nds 4r3 4 l#x#ry ! c4n't 4ff0rd." (We DO have to be enemies though. Friends are a luxury I can't afford.) Ink feels a form of pity at Error's words, but his smile widens as Error hesitantly looks down at his hand before shaking hands with Ink.

"!f y0#r try!ng t0 tr!ck m3-" (If you're trying to trick me-)

"Why would I try to trick my new friend?" Error stumbles back, the hand he used to shake Ink's hand going to his skull.

"N0...y0#'r3 ly!ng!! !...! c4n't...n0b0dy w4nts t0 b3 my fr!3nd!!!" ('re lying!! I...I can't..nobody wants to be my friend!!!) Error opens a portal to the white space, tumbling in. Ink sighs, heading home and starting up the TV, watching Error's point of view and the view of the device in a split screen.

He watches as Error drops to his knees, and a voice speaks to Error.

There is NO way the great CREATOR himself wants to be your friend! Who'd be friends with a filthy GLITCH?!

Why haven't you killed yourself, it's what Blue wanted!

He had to have a plan. He's probably got a tracker. He'll find your home and trash it, making sure you have nowhere to go!

"...4r3 th3y h3r3?" (Are they here?)

No dummy. Why do you think we're speaking with you now?!

"Oh...I can drop the glitches for now then." Ink blinks in surprise, amazed to hear such a caramel honey sounding voice coming from Error.

Oh yeah! He can pretend to be NORMAL! What a HOOT! Give up and accept that you'll always be HATED!

"I know." Error grabs the razor, smiling.

"But I have one friend at least. He'll never abandon me. He'll allow me to get my feelings out without relying on those unreliable idiots." Ink shuts off the TV, taking a minute to get up and stretch, coming back and cutting it on to a weird situation. Error is cowering, and two voices that sound worse than the others are shouting him down.


Oh, his screams are the most beautiful~

The Anti-Void begins pushing on Error's mind, Ink able to tell because Error starts seeing Blue standing in front of him, but Blue isn't there.

"B-bl#3..." (B-blue...)

"You know I hate your guts! You attacked my home! My family! And then had the audacity to KIDNAP ME! At least I escaped before you stockholmed me into LOVING you or some shit like that! You're evil, and nobody will ever love you." Error quietly takes 'Blue's' words, the being shifting to Nightmare holding a syringe.

"Error, try this new poison~ I'm trying to see if anything I can make will hurt you~ If it'll hurt you, it'll kill anyone~" Error flinches hard, teleporting away. He stops when he sees Fresh.

"Y-y0# 4-4r3n't r-r34l..." (Y-you a-aren't r-real...)

"It'z really me my radtastic broski, here to see if you've all up reconsidered my offer."

"!'ll n3v3r b3c0m3 y0#r h0st, Fr3sh, s0 l34v3 m3 4l0n3." (I'll never become your host, Fresh, so leave me alone.)

"Pity to hear that, my rad broseph. Looks like I gots to do this the hard way." Error gasps, teleporting back to where he was, holding his skull.

"1-134v3 m-m3 4-410n3!!!" (L-leave m-me a-alone!!!)

Good Error. Error flinches again as a hidden hand touches his shoulder.

You've really been teaching him!~

Of course I have. He has to be an obedient Destroyer, or we may have a different magnitude problem. It does help that those people have actually said those things to him. He has nowhere to go and nobody to turn to, and he knows it.

Error trembles, whimpering as the Anti-Void is pushed back away.

Glad you could join us, Error!~

We really missed your sassy one-liners, but we need you obedient, which means you can't be a person, understand. Eventually, you'll have no choice but to end UnderFell, UnderNovella, and OuterTale.

Error silently nods, shivering.

Ink watched in complete silence. Seems those two voices are the ones in control, but they can watch Ink and Error interact, so he can't reveal what he knows, cause Error will be in danger. Damn it.

Ink sighs.

He knows he can't talk to the other Star Sanses, as they either won't believe him, or will try to act immediately.  

(1017 words.

Well, that's a surprise isn't it? Ink is a good person!? Crazy. Lol.

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