They get you to recharge

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~ Megatron ~ 

As Megatron sat on his berth he tried to think of a way to get you to recharge. For such a young sparkling, you had a lot of energy. You couldn't help but let your optics wander around your sire's berthroom. 

"Would you like to hear a poem?" Megatron asked you after a while.

You looked up at your sire curiously. You made a few clicks and whirls as if answering yes. Megatron grabbed an old datapad off of his nightstand and turned it on. 

"Once a dream did weave a shade

O’er my angel-guarded bed that an emmet lost its way. Where on grass I thought I lay. Troubled, wildered, and forlorn. Dark, benighted, travel-worn. Over many a tangle spray. All heart-broke, I heard her say: Oh my child! do they cry? Do they hear their father sigh? Now they look abroad to see. Now return and weep for me." Megatron said softly as he read the poem. 

You started to feel sleepy as your sire read the poem to you. By the time he was finished you were already recharging. Megatron smiled when he saw that you were recharging. After he put the datapad back on his nightstand he turned the light off and laid down on his berth. He laid you on his chassis since you didn't have a crib yet. 


~ Starscream ~ 

As Starscream walked down the long hallway he occasionally glanced down at you. After he walked into his berthroom he sat on his berth and looked at you. You looked up at him curiously. He started singing an old Vossian lullaby that he remembered. He smiled as he watched you slowly go into recharge.

"Goodnight, my daughter." Starscream whispered as he turned the light off. 

You were so tired that you didn't feel your sire lay down on his berth and rest you on his chassis. Starscream smiled as he started recharging. He hoped that he would be a good sire for you.


~ Soundwave ~ 

Once Soundwave was in his berthroom he locked the door and took his visor off. Lazerbeak detached himself from his master's chassis and went to his metal nest. Soundwave sat down on his berth and smiled at you. He could tell that you were tired. 

"You need to recharge." Soundwave said softly.

You looked up at your new sire, not completely understanding what he wanted. Soundwave got an idea and started quietly singing a soothing song that he remembered hearing from somewhere on the internet. As he sang you started to go into recharge. Once he was finished singing he turned the light off and laid down on his berth.

"Goodnight, little one." Soundwave said as he laid you on his chassis and went into recharge. 


~ Knockout ~ 

As Knockout sat on his berth he tried to get you to recharge. He tried everything he could think of, but nothing worked. You were still wide awake.

"Come on, you need your beauty recharge." Knockout told you.

You looked up at your sire, not understanding what he wanted. Knockout smiled down at you as he cradled you in his arms. He vented as he turned the light off, laid on his berth and laid you on his chassis. Within a few minutes of the light being off you went into recharge. Knockout smiled as he went into recharge. 


~ Breakdown and Airachnid ~ 

Once Breakdown and Airachnid were in their berthroom Airachnid handed you to Breakdown. She transformed into her spider form and started spinning a web.

"You aren't eating our sparkling." Breakdown said seriously, glaring at Airachnid.

"Of course not, I'm simply spinning her a berth. See?" Airachnid asked as she made a hammock like berth for you.

"I- I guess that's alright… But we're still getting her a normal crib." Breakdown said.

"Yes, I already know that." Airachnid said, rolling her optics as she finished making you a hammock.

Breakdown handed you to Airachnid and she kissed you on your forehelm. You immediately went into recharge as you relaxed. Breakdown smiled as he watched Airachnid put you in your crib before she transformed again. Breakdown turned off the light and he and Airachnid got on the berth and went into recharge together.


~ Dreadwing ~ 

After Dreadwing entered his berthroom he sat on his berth and looked down at you. He had always wanted his own sparkling, but now that he had you he didn't know how to get you to recharge. So he just turned off the light, laid down and laid you on his chassis. Since his berth was large enough he wouldn't accidentally crush you.

"Don't look at me like that. You need to recharge." Dreadwing told you.

You blinked your O/c optics, still clearly awake. You were only a little tired, even after the events of the day. Dreadwing vented heavily, becoming impatient. Eventually, you both went into recharge. 


~ Shockwave ~ 

When Shockwave finished making a crib for you he made sure that it was sturdy enough. He placed a large stuffed toy in it before he put you in. He thought that you would immediately go into recharge, but he was wrong.

"Sparkling, you need to recharge." Shockwave told you.

You looked up at the one opticed mech with curiosity, not knowing what he expected you to do. Shockwave was starting to become frustrated as you just looked up at him. He decided to play some soft, soothing music. Within a few minutes you went into recharge.


~ Predaking ~ 

As Predaking curled up around you he made sure not to accidentally squish you. Since you were way smaller than anyone he met he wanted to keep you safe. You looked up at your new sire curiously, still unsure of what to think of him.

"Rest well, young one." Predaking said in his native language.

Your optics closed as your sire made a purring sound. Predaking made sure that you were recharging before he allowed himself to go into recharge. He decided that he would name you when he woke up.


~ 5t3v3 ~ 

When 5t3v3 returned to his berthroom he saw that his roommates were already recharging. Since the light was already off he had to be careful not to trip. Once he got to his berth he laid down and laid you on his chassis. He didn't know why you weren't recharging already.

"Fine, I'll tell you a story." 5t3v3 said as you blinked at him.

You didn't know what a story was, but you were willing to learn. Even though the room was dark you could tell that your new sire was trying to come up with something to say.

"Okay, once upon a time there was a lonely Vehicon who was sent out on a mission on his creation day. When he got to a dark, scary cave he heard a scary noise. Suddenly, all his friends ran out and shouted 'surprise!'. Then they all had cake and lived happily ever after." 5t3v3 said, trying to come up with a good enough story. 

Oddly enough, his story worked and you were peacefully recharging. 5t3v3 smiled as he went into recharge. Little did he know that all his roommates were listening to his story too. 

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