You get sparklingnapped

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~ Megatron ~

After Optimus knocked Megatron out he went to go look for you. He hoped that Megatron wasn't mistreating you in any way. Eventually, he found you and carefully picked you up.

"Where siwe?" You asked Optimus.

"He's… Alright." Optimus replied.

You tried your best not to cry, but a few tears left your optics. Optimus commed Ratchet for a groundbridge and told him that he was bringing you. Right as Optimus walked through the groundbridge with you Megatron started waking up. 



~ Starscream ~ 

Starscream laid on the floor; beaten and leaking energon. At this point, you were sobbing your optics out. You were convinced that your sire was offline like your real creators.

"Come on out, little femme." Megatron said as he grabbed you by your left arm and hauled you out of your hiding place.

"No! Siwe! I want siwe!" You screamed.

"I am your sire now." Megatron said darkly, making optic contact with you.

You continued sobbing, wishing that your sire would save you. Before Megatron took you to his berthroom he had a couple of Eradicons take him to the med bay. Megatron locked you in his berthroom before he went out for a flight. 


~ Soundwave ~ 

Wheeljack got a few lucky hits and injured Soundwave. Soundwave collapsed on the ground and sent an emergency message to the Nemesis.

"Good fight, Con. But it looks like I win." Wheeljack said as he put his katanas away.

Soundwave looked up at Wheeljack and scowled. Wheeljack went to go find you. Thankfully for him you were easy to find. 

"There there, I'm going to rescue you from Slenderwave." Wheeljack said calmly as he picked you up.

"Siwe! Help!" You screamed loudly when you saw your sire.

Soundwave tried to get up, but he was too badly injured. Wheeljack commed Ratchet for a groundbridge. When the groundbridge opened he carried you through. You made sure to kick and scream as much as you could as you were carried away by the strange mech.


~ Knockout ~ 

When Bee left a massive scratch on Knockout's paint he was beyond pissed off. He ran away and tried searching for you, but no matter where he looked he couldn't find you. However, Bee was having more luck. He found you recharging and gently picked you up.

"::Ratchet, I need a groundbridge. I found a sparkling in Knockout's possession and I'm rescuing her.::" Bee whispered into his comm.

A few seconds later a groundbridge opened up. Bee carried you through right as Knockout showed up. Knockout ran towards the groundbridge, but it was too late. 


~ Breakdown and Airachnid ~ 

While Bulkhead was keeping both Airachnid and Breakdown busy Arcee went to go look for you. Oddly enough she easily found you. However, when she picked you up you screamed for your sire and carrier.

"Drop our sparkling!" Breakdown said angrily as he ran towards Arcee.

Bulkhead managed to call Ratchet to open an emergency groundbridge as he ran past Breakdown. A groundbridge opened up and Arcee and Bulkhead ran through. You screamed for your carrier as the groundbridge closed. Both Breakdown and Airachnid swore revenge against Bulkhead and Arcee, even though they already did over a million years earlier.


~ Dreadwing ~ 

When Smokescreen managed to lose Dreadwing he started searching everywhere for you. After a few minutes he found you and picked you up.

"Siwe!" You yelled when Smokescreen picked you up.

"Shhh, I'm trying to save you." Smokescreen said, trying to get you to be quiet. 

You weren't having any of it and you yelled for your sire again. Smokescreen called Ratchet for an emergency groundbridge and it opened within a matter of seconds. Right as Dreadwing found where Smokescreen was it was too late. You cried for your sire as the rookie carried you through the groundbridge.


~ Shockwave ~ 

When Ratchet managed to get a few lucky hits during his fight with Shockwave he called Optimus to open a groundbridge. When you heard the fighting stop you came out from your hiding place and ran to your sire. However, when the groundbridge opened up Ratchet picked you up and ran.

"Siwe! Siwe!" You called out.

"Oh hush, I'm saving you." Ratchet huffed as he ran.

Shockwave watched as Ratchet carried you through the groundbridge. Everything happened so fast that he couldn't process it. However, he promised himself that he would get you back.


~ Predaking ~ 

While Magnus was running away from Predaking he called Optimus for a groundbridge. He just so happened to stumble across your hiding spot as he did so. When the groundbridge opened he picked you up and started running.

"Put meh down! I want siwe!" You yelped loudly.

"Hush, I'm rescuing you." Magnus said sternly.

Predaking was furious when he saw Magnus holding you. He chased after the offending Autobot, just barely missing him as he ran through the groundbridge. After the groundbridge closed he pointed his helm towards the sky and roared loudly.


~ 5t3v3 ~ 

5t3v3 played dead after Cliffjumper shot at him a few times. It was a trick that he had seen animals do and it was actually really effective. He and the other Vehicons would sometimes do it so that the Autobots thought that they were offline. Cliffjumper left when he thought that 5t3v3 was offline.

"Come here, lil femme. I ain't gonna hurt you." Cliffjumper said softly.

You remembered your sire telling you to never talk to strangers, so you kept quiet. However, Cliffjumper eventually found you anyway. You were too scared to say anything, so you kept quiet. Cliffjumper called Ratchet for a groundbridge. When the groundbridge opened up he carried you through, thinking that he was doing the right thing.

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