Your first day of school

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In this chapter you are about four


~ Megatron ~

Megatron put on a disguise so that no one would recognize him. It was your first day of school and he had to take you there himself. He enrolled you in a small preschool that was somewhat nearby. As you both walked to the preschool he could practically feel everyone staring at him. When you both arrived at the preschool he handed you your stuff and stood outside the classroom with you.

"Sire, I'm scared. What if no one wants to be my friend?" You asked your sire quietly.

"Y/C/n, you are here to learn. But if you want a friend, then be a friend to someone else. Don't do the things I did." Megatron said, keeping his voice low as he knelt down.

"Okay. Love you, sire." You said as you hugged him.

"I love you too. Now go learn." Megatron said as he briefly hugged you back.

You let go of your sire and walked into the classroom. Megatron made sure that you were alright before he stood up and left the preschool. 


~ Starscream ~ 

Since you were the Princess of Vos Starscream enrolled you in the best Seeker school. Naturally, he wanted what was best for you. 

"Y/C/n, do you have everything?" Starscream asked you. 

"Yes sire." You replied, slightly nervous about going to school.

Starscream walked you to school since it was near the Palace. When you both walked in you saw several classrooms. Starscream led you to where all the other younglings your age were. 

"Now remember, you are the Princess. If anyone gives you trouble all you have to do is tell me and I'll fix it." Starscream said as he knelt down in front of you.

"Okay… I'm going to miss you." You said as you quickly hugged your sire.

"I know, but I'll be back to pick you up later." Starscream said softly.

"Okay. See you later, sire." You said as you turned around and walked into the classroom.

Starscream stood up and smiled, knowing that you were going to have a good first day of school. He put a special surprise in your lunch so that you could have something extra sweet. As he went home he made a mental note that the school could use a few renovations.


~ Soundwave ~ 

It was officially your first day of school and Soundwave was afraid that you were going to be picked on or bullied. You, on the other servo, were excited. You even (tried) to make your own lunch. Soundwave enrolled you in a very small preschool that was on the edge of Kaon. When you both arrived there, everyone stared. 

"Alright Y/C/n, be good." Soundwave said as you both stood in front of the classroom.

"I will. I promise." You said as you hugged your sire.

Soundwave smiled behind his visor as he watched you let go of him and walk into the classroom. He waited a few moments before he left. When he did, he just groundbridged himself home.


~ Knockout ~ 

As Knockout walked you to preschool he held your servo. He couldn't believe that it was already your first day of school. The previous night he buffed you so that your finish would be flawless. When you both got to the preschool he walked you to your classroom.

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