They introduce you to someone

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You are still six


~ Megatron ~

A few days passed before Megatron asked Nightbird to come over. The silent femme agreed to come over, knowing that she needed to meet you. Megatron told you that Nightbird took a vow of silence, that way you knew why she didn't say anything. So as you sat on the couch in the living room your sire let Nightbird into the housing unit you both lived in. 

"Y/C/n, this is Nightbird." Megatron said as they sat on the couch.

"Hi." You said shyly.

Nightbird nodded her helm a little as a greeting. You weren't sure what to think of the silent femme. In a way, she reminded you of Soundwave. Once you got a little more confident you started telling Nightbird about yourself. At some point, your Cybercat came to lay on your lap. 


~ Starscream ~ 

Starscream's spark pulsed quickly as he got everything ready. Windblade was coming over and he wanted everything to be perfect. You just sat at your place at the dining room table as you watched your sire get everything ready.

"Master Starscream, Miss Windblade is here." The butler said as he led Windblade into the dining room.

"W-Windblade… I wasn't expecting you here so early…" Starscream said awkwardly.

As the butler left the room you rolled your optics. Windblade smirked, noticing that Starscream was blushing. Starscream was briefly at a loss for words. 

"Oh, have a seat." Starscream said, gesturing to the chair that was across from his. 

"Thank you. So, you must be Y/C/n. Your sire talks about you a lot." Windblade said as she sat down. 

"It's nice to meet you too." You said shyly.

As Starscream sat down he smiled, happy that you and Windblade were getting along so far. Throughout dinner Windblade told you about how her time as a Cityspeaker was. You told her about yourself. As you got to know her better you found that she was a lot of fun to be around. You hoped that your sire would ask her to be his sparkmate. 


~ Soundwave ~ 

Today you and your sire were meeting up with Balewing in a nearby park. When said femme walked over to you and your sire you felt a little nervous. 

"Hello there, Y/C/n. I'm Balewing. It's nice to finally meet you." Balewing said as she sat next to your sire.

"It's nice to meet you too." You said nervously.

Soundwave got out the lunch he packed. Ravage Jr. sat next to you while Lazerbeak flew around happily. Balewing let you tell her more about yourself before she told you about herself. After a while, you were a little more comfortable around her.


~ Knockout ~ 

Knockout was both excited and nervous that Moonracer was coming over for dinner. At one point he had to remind himself that she was just coming over for dinner and not spending the night. Earlier that day he made sure to buff himself extra good so that he would be extra shiny. Suddenly, a knock was heard at the front door.

"Sire, someone's at the door." You said, walking into the dining room and taking a seat at the table.

"She's here? Already?!" Knockout said as he quickly brought dinner to the table before rushing to invite Moonracer in.

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