They get you back

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~ Megatron ~

Two weeks after Optimus brought you to the Autobot base you were starting to get used to being with the Autobots. They all treated you like their younger sister, but you really missed your sire. Optimus would sometimes hear you cry for your sire, so he decided to return you. He came to realize that Megatron had never abused or hurt you. So one day Optimus met up with Megatron and brought you.

"Optimus, I believe that you have something of mine." Megatron said as he walked towards the Autobot leader.

"Yes. It appears that I have made a mistake by taking her. I am truly sorry." Optimus said as he put you on the ground.

"Siwe!" You said happily as you ran towards your sire.

Megatron smiled as you ran to him. When you reached him he picked you up. You hugged him as best as you could. Both leaders nodded their helm before going in their separate directions.


~ Starscream ~ 

A few days after the incident Starscream was finally awake. Knockout had to fix him up for the millionth time. 

"Starscream, as your physician and friend I suggest that you take Y/C/n and go somewhere safe. I don't want either of you to end up offlined by Megatron." Knockout said softly.

"I think I will. We can go live in the Harbinger. The thing is, how will I get energon?" Starscream asked Knockout.

"Breakdown and I will bring you some every week. Now, Megatron is out and Soundwave will help you get Y/C/n. He won't tell Megatron because he's on our side this time" Knockout said as he helped Starscream get up.

"Thank you, Knockout." Starscream said politely.

Starscream walked out of the med bay and headed for Megatron's berthroom. Thankfully, it was unlocked. As he walked in he could hear you quietly sobbing. 

"Y/C/n, I'm here." Starscream said as he carefully picked you up.

"Siwe!" You said, clinging onto your sire tightly.

Starscream noticed that you had a few small dents in your armor. After a few minutes Soundwave came and opened a groundbridge to the Harbinger. Starscream thanked Soundwave and carried you through the groundbridge. He promised himself, and you, to never go back to the Nemesis.


~ Soundwave ~ 

For the next week or so you continued to be as annoying as you could. At one point Jack, Miko and Raf didn't want to come to the Autobot base because you were too loud. So Optimus decided that you needed to go back to your sire. One evening he sent a message to the Nemesis. About thirty minutes later he and Soundwave met up in a random location in a forest.

"Siwe!" You said happily when you saw your sire.

"Go on, young one." Optimus said as he put you on the ground.

Soundwave, who was now healed, knelt down and held his arms out. You ran to your sire as fast as you could, happy to see him. Optimus smiled as he watched Soundwave pick you up and hug you. Without a word, he walked back through the groundbridge he came out of. Soundwave was relieved that you were okay and that he had you again.


~ Knockout ~ 

The day after Bumblebee brought you to the Autobot base you cried for your sire most of the day. Bee felt his spark break, so he asked Optimus if he could give you back. Optimus agreed that giving you back would be a good idea, so he sent Knockout a message. About an hour later Ratchet opened up a groundbridge to where Knockout was waiting and Bee carried you through. 

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