Your first word

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~ Megatron ~ 

One day while you were with your sire in the bridge he started getting mad at Starscream for no reason. For some reason, you felt bad for the cowardly mech. When your sire started raising his voice you decided to take matters into your own servos. Since you had been trying to talk recently you decided to give it a try.

"B-b-b-Be nice!" You suddenly said loudly as you looked up at your sire.

As soon as you said something both Megatron and Starscream stopped what they were doing and stared at you. Neither of them could believe what you just said. Megatron was in shock of what you told him. You glared up at your sire, not knowing what else to do.

"Fine." Megatron muttered, letting Starscream go.


~ Starscream ~ 

One afternoon Starscream decided to take you out for some fresh air. Naturally, he took you to somewhere tropical. Since the beach was empty it was safe for you and your sire to be out and about. You loved your new surroundings. 

"Try not to get too dirty." Starscream said as he placed you down on the sand after sitting down.

You smiled as you felt the sand beneath you. You were having a lot of fun on the beach. When you looked at your sire you saw him staring out into the distance. You started trying to say something, just as you had been trying to for a while now.

"S-s-si-siwe?" You finally said/asked, catching your sire's attention.

"Y/C/n, you talked." Starscream said, clearly surprised at what you said.

"Siwe?" You asked again.

"I am fine, Y/C/n. I'm just thinking. Come on, let's make a sand castle." Starscream said as he went to sit on his stabilizers.


~ Soundwave ~ 

While Soundwave was in the bridge with you he allowed Lazerbeak to fly around for a little while. Since Megatron and Starscream were away they couldn't do anything about it. You watched Lazerbeak fly around as you sat in your playpen.

"B-b-b-bi-bi-" You started to say, trying your best to talk.

Soundwave stopped what he was doing and turned to look at you. Lately you had been trying to talk and so far you were getting close to saying your first word. So he started recording.

"Bi-bir-birdy!" You said happily as you pointed to Lazerbeak. 

Soundwave felt pride well up in his spark after you said your first word. He was happy that you got along well with Lazerbeak. However, he knew that you now would be talking a lot more. 


~ Knockout ~ 

While Knockout was out with you somewhere on Earth he put you on the ground for a moment. While he was checking his scanner he didn't see you crawl over to a mud puddle. When you found the large puddle of mud you immediately sat in it and splashed around. 

"Y/C/n, why are you playing in that disgusting mud?! You're getting dirty!" Knockout gasped as he put his scanner back into his subspace.

"D-d-d-di-ditwy! Diwty!" You said happily, splashing the mud around more.

"Oh no you don't, I'm not allowing you to get dirtier than you already are. You need an emergency bath." Knockout said as he picked you up from the mud puddle.

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